To the Rescue!

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Daniel's POV

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," (Y/N) said, in between her kicks at a tree.

She's been at this for like... hours. The bark on the tree had even started falling to the ground in chunks. But she just keeps kicking it.

I don't know how to calm her down... not like Sean can.

From what I've seen, when she's upset, all he has to do is grab her arms, put her forehead to his, and tell her to focus on each other's breathing — and just like that, she's calm again.

1. Sean and (Y/N) are bigger than me (I'm little, and it would be pretty hard to get a good grip on her.)

2. I've never seen her this upset before.

Maybe it was the fact that Sean got hurt, because I'm mad about that too. But I've just been sitting on a log, shaking, watching pieces of tree bark fall to the ground.

Sean told me that it was supposed to be a random road trip... but I'm starting to miss Dad.

I still don't know why he didn't come with us.

Because, right now — Sean is in danger, (Y/N) and I are alone, and both of us are crying in the woods. And I don't think any of this would've happened if Dad came with us.

We wouldn't have to walk everywhere, we wouldn't have to sleep under stupid bridges, we wouldn't have to sleep in stupid caves, we wouldn't have to starve...

I want to go home.

And it seems like (Y/N) is ready to go home too... So why don't we go home?

There's no point in being out in the middle of nowhere for no reason.

(Y/N) kicked the tree again — apparently in the wrong way, because she let out a yelp, followed by another curse word, then she started cursing out the tree.

"(Y/N), calm down!" I finally called out to her, interrupting her.

"I've got NOTHING to be calm about, Daniel!" She turned around and screamed at me, which startled me, because as angry as she can get, I don't think she's ever yelled at me before...

She noticed that it scared me, and quickly softened up, "Jesus, Daniel — I'm so sorry," She crumbled to the ground, "I'm just scared, I don't know what to do... I don't know if Sean is okay- I don't know what that asshole did to him. I left our things on that table... I don't know what we're gonna do out here, Daniel."

A sudden spark of bravery shone inside of me, that suggested something that I didn't even know if we could pull off.

"What if... we go save him?"

(Y/N) looked at me like I was insane, "What? How in the world would we..."

"The sun has already set! We've been here for hours! Maybe they stopped looking for us. Maybe Sean's in the gas station."

It took her a second to answer, like she was considering it, "Wow, you're such a smart kid. You think we can pull it off?"

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