Edge of the World

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Sean's POV

After a few hours, we stopped driving for a bit, to stretch our legs. Daniel and (Y/N) were still asleep in the car. I didn't want to wake them.

We were parked at a cliff, overlooking a town — or what used to be a town.

It was in ruins.

It was apparently wiped out by a tornado 3 years ago... killing just about everyone there.

"Man. Look at that. Oregon is like the edge of the world." Brody joined me.

I stared ahead, resting on the side of the car. My hood pulled over my head, arms crossed together.

My position was very stiff.

I barely moved.

Brody seemed to have noticed.

"Hey, listen... I know what happened with you guys in Seattle," Brody admitted, "Do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener. It's your call, no pressure."

I could use this opportunity to possibly vent.

I don't think I've properly talked it out yet.

(Y/N) and I can't just bring it up while Daniel's around.

Not to mention, she was there too.

Plus, I feel like talking to a stranger than somebody that you know is way easier.

"I... I don't even know what happened. It was so fast..." I started. It was already getting hard to think about it.

"It was the police! It's their fault! Daniel just wanted to play zombie with (Y/N) and I outside... Our shithead neighbor started picking on him... and I got in a fight... So Dad came out to help... Somebody called the cops and... and they shot him!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"They killed my Dad in front of me! One second, my Dad was alive... then- then... Fucking cops!"

I couldn't take the image of Dad hitting the ground after getting shot.

Me shaking his lifeless body on the ground...

I broke down and cried into my hands.

Brody hugged me by the shoulders.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. Take a deep breath..."

I pulled away from Brody and moved to lean against the barrier, looking down at the bay.

"Listen, I'm really sorry this happened to you, man. Injustice is everywhere, and you're taking the brunt of it right now. But, you're gonna be okay, Sean..."

"How?" I asked, refusing to look at him, "My life is starting to feel like... Like that town down there... Wiped out. Destroyed. Empty. Like I have nothing..."

I know I had Daniel, and I know I had (Y/N)... but I still felt empty. I saw my father... die.

The man who raised me.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now