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Your POV

Daniel and I were running around a beach with Mushroom — right in front of a motel.

Sean sat on a bench, watching us while waiting for Brody to come back.

Mushroom was chasing us around, barking.
"Okay, Mushroom," Daniel said, "You can chase us... then Sean."

"Umm, no." Sean disagreed from the bench.

"Oh come on!" I stopped running to look at Sean, "Join us!"


"You're no fun-" I tried to tell him, but Mushroom bit my ankle. It didn't hurt because she barely even had teeth, but I still over exaggerated anyways.

"Ow!" I cried out, "Mushroom, you little.... bitch."
Then I laughed at myself while I bent down to pet her. I looked at Daniel and Sean, "Get it?"

Daniel laughed, but Sean didn't.

This made me look at him sideways. I stood, walked over and sat next to him.

"What's the matter?"

He sighed, "I'm gonna tell Daniel."

I gave him a look, "Now?"

"No, not now," He sat back, "But tonight. We're not going another day without him knowing. But man, seeing him like that... playing around with a dog.... it's gonna fucking destroy him."

Daniel had found a stick, and began playing fetch with Mushroom.

He looked so happy. Sean was right. That's what made telling him so difficult. I don't want to see that innocence slip away from him. And Sean didn't either. He's only 9. He shouldn't be dealing with this kind of shit.

I sighed, admired the view, and watched Daniel play with his dog, while putting my head on Sean's shoulder.

We stayed like that for a moment, before Brody returned.

"Looks like those two are getting along," He said, pointing to Daniel, "It's good to see him like that."
I sat up, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I got you guys that room."

Sean stood up, "Seriously?"

"It's only a room, no big deal," Brody said, handing Sean the key, "Look, I had tough times when I started out. And... some strangers saved my life."

I stood up and stood next to Sean, "No, this genuinely means a lot, Brody..."

"Yeah," Sean said, accepting the key, "Thank you..."
"Now's my turn to help someone," Brody pointed towards the motel's upper balconies, "It's right there, Room 10. On the second floor."

"Gotcha," I nodded.

"Listen... I don't want to freak you guys out, okay?" Brody started, "But... you have to be twice as careful now. I know it's easier said than done, but... You should get rid of your phones."

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now