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Your POV

2 months later

"Sean, you suck!" Daniel screamed from downstairs.

I assumed they were playing Guitar Fighter again since I heard music, and they normally get super competitive.

Daniel comes over a lot, and everytime he does, he swears that he got better at the game than the last time he was here. He's even convinced Lyla and Esteban to play with us a few times.

I've been up in the kitchen making everybody sandwiches listening to him and Sean scream at each other. I'm surprised that Sean's even playing a guitar game right now, and not continuously asking me to teach him a new song on an actual one.

He's not doing too bad, considering he's only played guitar games. In fact — I'd go as far as saying he's pretty good at it. But I mean, of course — I'm his teacher.

I put the 3 sandwiches into individual bags, and walked over to the front door to put them into my backpack that I used to use for school.

Sean had put his bag down by the door too, like we needed more than one. In which we didn't, we were just going to take Daniel back home since he spent the night.

And Esteban's house wasn't far.

I don't even know what Sean still keeps in his backpack besides his sketchbook. I guess that was why he was bringing it.

The screaming continued while I walked towards the basement, to see the two almost completely out of breath, their hair all messed up, both bouncing in place.

They looked ridiculous.

The way I stared at them really showed that, too.
To my surprise, Daniel was winning by around 100 points. Sean must've let him play on easy.

Once Sean looked up to see me in the room looking at the scores, he made a face.

He ceased his bouncing, walked over to the TV, and unplugged the game.

"What the heck, Sean! I was winning!"

"Why'd you do that? I was watching!"

"And I was losing," Sean took off the guitar, "And I don't lose...."

He paused when he looked at me "...To children."

"He sucks." Daniel pouted, taking off his guitar as well.

"I don't suck, you have to play on easy mode!" Sean defended.

"And I was still beating you!"

"That's because you're good at easy mode."

"But you play on hardcore all the time!"

"So what?"

I tried to find a way to butt into their argument to remind them that we had to go, but they wouldn't stop going back and forth about who sucked the most.


They finally calmed down a bit when Sean bent down to tie his wolf squad hoodie around his waist.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now