Chapter One

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I entered the school hallways, glaring at everyone who even glanced at me. They looked away quickly in fear, fastening their paces. My two friends were following behind me, Dagger smirking at every girl who walks past us and winks at the. Ryker texts his girlfriend, Ana. Her mother works for my gang.

Ryker is my second in command in my fathers' gang. It was passed down to me last year and I have made it the best gang in the state. I'm feared, cruel, and love to pick fights with everyone. I smoke, and I deal drugs, but I also smuggle weapons and we rob banks and shit for the fun of it.

"Jayden, what are you going to do to the new prisoner?" Ryker asks as he texts his girlfriend, I smirk and clench my fists at the anger that resurfaces.

"He's not going to live to next week." I mutter angrily, Ryker chuckles darkly. Last night, a guy tried to sneak into our warehouse and steal all our information. But the guards caught him and are now beating him for answers.

I enter my first class, but something seems different. I shrug it off and sit down in my usual seat. Ryker goes to gym first while I am in math. Stupid if you ask me. Our teacher walks in as the bell rings.

"We have a new student today, class. Give a warm welcome to Dawn Parker." Ms. Orchid says with a smile. I look up and my jaw drops at what I see. Her rich brown hair reaches the middle of her back with black and blonde highlights. Her creamy skin is smooth. She looks nervous and she hasn't even looked up yet. Her outfit consists of boots, leggings, and a grey sweater. She seems to draw me in, and she shines with innocence. She's a pure fucking light, and all I want is to see her face.

"Alright, Dawn, you can sit beside Jayden." She says and gestures to the only open seat. She moves slowly, getting jealous glares by the girls. She sits down and hides behind a curtain of her hair. She fiddles with her pencil, bouncing her leg up and down at a quick pace.

"Hello Dawn." I greet softly, she looks up startled and my heart skips at her beautiful face. She has freckles across her nose and her eyes a warm, honey brown. Her lips are a pale pink that are so kissable.

"Hello, Jayden." Her angelic voice greets softly. A smile stretches across my face as she goes back to getting a paper out for notes. I don't pay attention to class, just this beautiful girl. After class, she stands up and quickly packs with a hint of nervousness as she pulls a strand of her hair behind her ear. I frown, wishing I did that for her.

"Can I walk you to your next class?" I speak gently, she jumps from my sudden words, nodding nonetheless.

"Which class?" I ask her quietly, she looks up at me. Her honey brown eyes are filled with anxiety and fear, but something else lies in the pools of honey. Agony maybe.

"I have AP Language." She tells me. Her voice is music to my ears. Damn, I have science. Disappointment rises, but I shove it down before it could show. Never show any sort of emotion when there could be enemies nearby. I throw my arm around her shoulders, leading her to her class in comfortable silence. She just stares at the ground stiffly, letting me know she isn't that comfortable yet. I retract my arm, sighing softly.

"Okay, this is your classroom. Will you wait for me after class right here, so I can take you to your next one?" I ask in a rush. She bites her lip, nodding before she slips inside. I walk away in relief, noticing everyone is peaking glances at me. I send everyone a glare and hurry to my next class. Can't anyone in this school mind their own damn business.

I begin to think about Dawn and her kind eyes, wondering what kinds of agony she was hiding in their beautiful depths.

"What's wrong with your face, man?" Dagger claps my shoulder, looking over at me with a grin full of mischief.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now