Chapter Nine Unedited

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TRIGGER WARNING! Read at your own risk!


Dawn's POV

I woke up to the sounds of Emmie vomiting once again. The cold weather is affecting her asthma so bad that she gets sick easily. I promised Kieran that she would be with me all day during school, so he went off to his before school practice while I grabbed medicine, a few coats, a coloring book, a book, and crayons in a small bag for Emmie.

I got her dressed in warm sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. The two coats I put on the bag, were in case she got cold. I brushed her hair up into a ponytail and made her a thermos of hot tea to settle her stomach and clear her lungs.

I decided to wear jeans, sneakers, a blue sweater, and one of Kieran's sweatshirts for the walk to the high school. I put my hair up into a bun and put light make-up on. I grabbed my backpack and phone, before picking up little Emmie. Her bag was on her back as she buried her face into my neck.

I locked my door and started walking towards my school. I could hear the people Jayden assigned to follow me, walk slowly behind me.

"You know, I would like some company boys. You might as well just walk beside me, and we can talk." My voice rang out softly as I walked normally. Their steps faltered before they hurried to catch up with me. The one on my left had leaf brown hair and brown eyes, wearing dark clothing, and a sheepish smile on his face. The one of my right had a scowl, icy blue eyes, and black hair.

"I'm Dawn, as you must know, and this is Emmaline. What are your names?" I question. I know I should be scared of them, but they seem to actually want to keep me alive. Well, the one on my left does anyway.

"I'm Elliot and Mr. Scowl over there, is my older brother. His name is Elijah." Elliot says with a small smile. I return the smile.

"You must get bored following me to and from school, or to my work. You are welcome to talk to me. I am known for my kind disposition." I say, as Elliot's smile grows.

"I would like to get to know you. You just can't tell Boss. He might get... angry. Although, recently he's been quiet and has been depressed. All he does is check in on us, punch the punching bag until he starts to sob, or stay home. He does go to school and he doesn't come around to the warehouse until his homework is done." Elliot tells me, making my eyes go wide before I look away.

"Do you guys hang around the school, or go home?" I question, swiftly changing the subject.

"No, we go home or to the warehouse. How's that brother of yours doing? He hasn't been around the warehouse in a while." He asks me, making me abruptly stop in shock.

"W-what? He's in the gang!" I whisper-shout. Elliot shakes his head as Elijah taps his foot impatiently.

"No, Boss threw him out. He yelled at the poor boy, saying that he deserved better and that he was going to go to school and join something modest. Your brother just wanted to get money for you guys, but Boss found you a job instead with our aunt." Elliot explains. Regret for what I said and did the last time I saw him, creeps into my heart. Maybe I should have given him a chance to fully explain, but what happened in my past was worse than anything else that I could have imagined.

"Oh! And we saw what you did to Boss! It was hilarious! I have never seen him actually fall to the ground and not react back. He must really care for you. Although, he would never intentionally hurt a woman or innocent person." Elliot muses. Emmie stirs in my arms as we start to walk again.

"Dawn? Where are we?" She murmurs, I kiss her temple.

"We're almost to the high school, baby girl. You're going to school with me, remember?" I soothe quietly.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now