Chapter Ten Unedited

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Jay's POV

I'm in my last class of the day, worried that she isn't here yet. She had Emmie with her again, but I think it's because she's sick. I don't know where they are and it's driving me crazy. Maybe she went home.

Ryker, Anna, and Dagger are in this class. They ignore my worried and tense figure. The door gets yanked open and little Emmie peaks in, searching everyone's faces. She looks at me, relief filling her features. She runs straight towards me, launching herself into my arms.

"Jay! Jay! Come on! Dawn needs you!" She says in fright; my eyes widen as fear hits my gut.

"Anna, hold Emmie. Ryker, Dagger, come with me." I say quickly, they nod.

"She's out back." Emmie whimpers, I nod and kiss her forehead tenderly. I hand her off to Anna, quickly running out of the classroom. The teacher is sleeping, and no one bothered to wake him up. We race out to the back doors, throwing the doors open. We hear laughing around the corner.

I race towards the laughing and see a half-naked Dawn sobbing as a guy kisses her and her neck. Red clouds my vision as I yank the guy off her, throwing punches until he's passed out. I hear flesh meeting flesh beside me, as I quickly come out of the daze and scramble to my Princess's side. I throw her sweatshirt over her body as she sobs, curled up into a ball. I pick her up and start striding down the hall.

I burst into the classroom I was in, going straight to Emmie. Everyone watches me with wide eyes. "Emmie, come on. Let's go get your brother." I demand, she scrambles to her feet and latches herself to my leg. My Sunshine falls asleep in my arms, tears drying on her face. I kiss her tears away as we walk straight out of the school and towards my car. I set her in the passenger seat before helping Emmie into the back and buckle her up.

We drive to the middle school. I go inside after I ask Emmie to stay in the car and go straight to the office. "Hello, how may I help you?" the lady at the desk asks with a smile.

"I'm here to pick up Kieran Parker. His sister sent me." I say in a monotone, she nods and calls him down. Five minutes later, he bursts inside in confusion.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" He questions, I sigh.

"We don't have time. Let's go." I mutter, grabbing his arm and taking him with me. He gets into the back of my car and I get into the drivers' seat, driving to my mansion.

"What happened to my sister?" Kieran demands accusingly.

"I didn't do anything. Emmie found me at school, begging me to help her sister. I found Dawn out in the back, about to be r..." I can't finish it, but Kieran understands.

"I'm going to murder them." He growls out, his eyes darkening. My hands tighten on the wheel and I race into my driveway. I park in front of my house, quickly get out and pick up my Dawn. Kieran doesn't protest and picks up his shaken little sister. I carry Dawn up to my room and set her down on my bed.

I cover her in a couple blankets, kiss her forehead and closed eyes gently before I leave the room. I go back down the stairs and see Kieran and Emmie watching cartoons.

"Jay, I need to talk to you." Kieran mutters, I nod, and we leave Emmie entranced with the TV. We go into my kitchen and I make a snack plate for them. I wait in silence, letting him gather his thoughts.

"You love her, don't you?" He asks quietly, I freeze and turn to him.

"Yes, I do." I murmur, hoping he won't make me stay away. A stretch of silence passes between us.

"I think you'll be good for each other. You dropped everything to reach her before anything could happen. I think you deserve to know what happened before we came here." He says, gesturing to the island that has chairs beside it. We sit down, and I look at him expectantly, still shocked.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now