Chapter Nineteen Unedited

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Jay's POV

I stumble back from shock as she sobs. She was pregnant. She miscarried her child. She was pregnant by him. My back hits my desk and her sob gets a bit louder. Carter is staring at her stomach in shock while Kieran just strokes her hair, pulling her into him.

What am I supposed to do? I stagger in front of her, falling to my knees and grabbing her hands. She looks up her at me, her brown eyes dark and full of pain. I kiss her knuckles and cradle her head in my hands.

"I'm here for you, baby. I'm here." I whisper over and over, stroking her cheek with my thumb. She roughly pulls away from her family and launches herself into my arms, clutching me tightly as she heaves out sobs. Carter just stares at her in total shock as Kieran finally catches up to what she said and starts to tear up.

"Dawn, I'm, uh, going to make sure Uncle Hudson is okay." Kieran says, wiping his eyes and leaving. Carter gets up and follows Kieran quickly, his own eyes watering. She sobs against me as I slowly stand up, hoisting her higher up into my arms so she doesn't fall. I lay down on the couch I have in here and she clutches my shirt in her hands, only quietly crying now.

"I won't be able to know what gender it was, or hear its heartbeat, hold them for the first time! I'll never be able to do any of it!" She cries softly, I rub her back as my heart clenches for her.

"I'm sorry, Sunshine. Just know, that I'm here for you." I whisper, she nods and clutches me tighter.

Hudson walks through the door with wide, watery eyes. They must have told him. He falls to his knees in a similar way that I did and strokes her hair gently.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetpea. I'm so so sorry." He says, trying to blink away his tears. She sobs, her cries getting louder.

"I was t-too dehydrated, malnourished, and beaten to keep it alive." She cries, holding on to me tightly. I kiss the top of her head and rub her back. She chokes back a sob with a cough.

Hudson looks at me with approval shining in his eyes. 'Thank you.' He mouths, I nod and kiss her head. She cries herself to sleep, so I gently take her back to our room with Hudson trailing after me. I set her down in the bed and gently pull the comforter back over her. She settles into a deeper sleep, and I turn to look at Hudson. He beckons me, so I follow him downstairs and into the living room. He rounds on me with a grateful smile.

"Thank you. I would've thought you would have left after all that instead of staying with her, like I did." He says quietly with regret, I shake my head.

"I'm in love with her, Hudson. She could kill me, and my last words would be I love you. She is more important to me than life itself, so I don't understand why you don't like me." I say, slightly hurt that he obviously doesn't like me. He shakes his head, running his hand through his hair.

"No, you remind me of myself and that scares me. I want her to have someone that is kind, respectful, and someone who is one of those nerds. I want her to be taken care of, and you look like you belong on a motorcycle and in a gang." He says, a wry smile plays at the corners of my mouth.

"I am respectful, kind, and I actually get good grades. I've been doing really well in school ever since Dawn came. Yes, I used to pick fights and smoke. But, I want to be better and do better for her." I say, my eyebrows furrowing as I glance down at the ground.

"Sir, my parents died a while ago and I inherited this place from them along with their businesses and money. I did nothing to earn any of this money and, although I'm glad for this luxury, I'd rather earn the money through hard work for her." I say, he nods and claps my shoulder.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now