Chapter Sixteen Unedited

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Dawns POV

I enter the office with a polite smile, but instead of my grandparents I see two guys that I've known since I was in diapers. I scream and jump into their arms with a huge smile. Everyone stares at me in shock when I jump down from their arms, squeal, and jump back in them with an excited beaming smile. The older man of the two laughs and spins me around while I'm in his arms before setting me down.

"Happy, I see." He remarks in amusement, I quickly nod. His blue eyes crinkle with his old age and his brown hair already greying makes me realize how good in shape he is for his age.

"I even have my voice back." I remark, shocking him.

"Jesus, Dawn! Why didn't you call me?" He exclaims. I hit his shoulder.

"I was too busy raising two kids." I say with a grin, he shakes his head and pulls me into a hug. Carter, my older cousin, separates us and pulls me into a hug. I gratefully squeeze him back.

"Dawn, who are these boys?" Uncle Hudson asks, making me laugh.

"Uncle Hudson, Carter, this is my boyfriend Jay and his friends." I explain, making Carter immediately push me behind him.

"Do I need to kick some ass, Dawn?" He demands. I roll my eyes, knowing he's most likely glaring at them. I push him out of the way and smack the back of his head.

"No, dipshit! Jay was the one that actually helped me after everything." I retort, making them stare at me in utter shock. I roll my eyes and grab their arms.

"Let's ditch this place!" I hoot, pulling them out of the office. Jay laughs and pulls me away from my family, hugging me tightly to him.

"I thought you were going to murder someone." He says with an amused grin. I roll my eyes.

"The only one I will murder is Elliot if he ever feeds Emmie cookies for lunch again." I remark, causing everyone to laugh. I skip out of the school, running to my uncle's car.

"Let's go pick up those kids of mine!" I shout, pulling open the front seat and climbing in. Carter glares at me.

"Hey, you bitch! That's my seat!" He shouts. I laugh and slam the door, locking it. He smirks at me and holds the keys up, unlocking it as he walks calmly towards me. I quickly lock it again and we glare at each other as we play with the lock. Uncle Hudson screams in frustration.

"Will you stop being children? I'm already tired of your energy!" He shouts, causing us to laugh. Jay just watches me in shock, amazement, and pure adoration. Carter unlocks the door and quickly opens my door, pulling me out of the car. I crash to the pavement with a scream, making him smirk.

"You bitch! I got there first!" I shout up at him and flip him off. He laughs and jumps into my seat, slamming the door behind him as Jay hurries to my side and helps me to my feet. I lean into Jay's embrace as I glare at Carter.

"Uncle Hudson! Your son is being a jackass!" I yell, Uncle Hudson laughs.

"Sorry, son. But I agree with Dawn." He says, slinging his arm around my shoulder and drawing me away from Jay and into his side. Carter flips us off as I glare indignantly at him. He huffs and climbs out of the car.

"There you go, you bitch." He says, I smirk and knee him. He falls to the ground with a groan as Uncle Hudson chuckles.

"There's my girl." He says and helps me into the car. I stick my tongue out at Carter and he flips me of, mouthing I'm going to kill you. I laugh as I roll my window down.

"Uncle Hudson! Jay's coming with! Elliot, Elijah, get back to class." I shout, smirking at them as they grumble but do as I say. Jay jumps into the car behind me as both Carter and Hudson stare at me in total shock. They recover and jump in, Uncle Hudson drives towards the middle school as I turn the radio up and sing to some new song. Uncle Hudson turns the music down and I sigh. Here comes the questions.

"How are you, Dawn?" He asks softly. Carter looks up from his phone, focusing on me. I look down and slowly nod.

"I'm good, as long as I have Jay near me. He calms me down before a flashback can control me." I answer honestly. Carter glances at Jay and scoffs.

"Him? He looks like he fits in with you know who." He scoffs, making me flinch. Jay reaches for my hand and soothingly rubs the back of it with his thumb.

"He's not anything like him. He's kind, gentle, and he cares for me. I love him, Carter and you can't convince me otherwise." I say, directing my glare into his brown eyes. He nods with respect before turning to Jay.

"Hurt my baby cousin, and I'll kill you. Only I can hurt her, but I always apologize. Plus, she has to forgive me. You hurt her, and I'll kill you. No one will find your body." He threatens dangerously.

"Now, my little Dawn, how long have you been with Jay?" Uncle Hudson asks, peering at me from the corner of his eye.

"I've known him since my very first day here. I can't tell you when exactly we got together because we kind of, just got together without acknowledging it." I admit with a sheepish smile as he parks at the curb. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"Only you, Dawn. Only you." He murmurs under his breath. I giggle and hop out of the car before Jay could get me. Jay gave me a playful glare and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I scream with laughter and hit his head as he playfully runs towards the middle school. I scream as he pretends to throw me to the ground, but he catches me just before I hit the ground.

"You bastard! I hate you!" I yell, he laughs and gently sets me onto the ground. I huff and storm into the building, feeling children's eyes on me as I walk past the windows. I hurry through the warm doors and go to the office. I smile kindly at the woman at the desk.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Kieran Parker early. We have a bit of a family situation." I say, she nods and calls him down. He runs into the office with his backpack flopping, his blue eyes searching mine frantically.

"Is Emmie okay?" He asks frantically, I roll my eyes.

"She's fine. Now let's go." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him outside. When he sees Uncle Hudson and Carter, he drops his backpack and races towards them. They hug, and I smile as Carter whispers something in Kieran's ear. Always with their secrets. I pick up Kieran's backpack and carry it over to an amused Jay.

"So, do you think we should tell them your pregnant?" He jokes, I hit his shoulder.

"Jayden! I swear if you ever joke like that again, I'm going to kick you out of the room." I hiss under my breath as he chuckles. He wraps his arms around my waist and I look up at him, leaning up to kiss him. He meets me halfway and I smile against his lips as we kiss. Carter snatches me away from Jay with a growl.

"No." He glares at Jay, I hit Carter.

"I'm the one who kissed him!" I exclaim, causing them to look at me in surprise. I roll my eyes.

"Just because what happened, happened, doesn't mean that I can't learn to love again. Jay isn't a rebound, nor a distraction. He is my boyfriend and I love him. So, if you excuse me, I'm going to kiss him as much as I want." I say with a smirk, going back over to Jay and kissing him quickly before turning in his arms. 

My family gawks at me as I smirk at them. I giggle and pull Jay towards the car, everyone quickly follows. Time for keeping my family away from the empty house that's technically still supposed to be mine. 

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now