Chapter Thirty-Seven Unedited

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Dawn's POV

I stare down at my disgusting lunch, wondering if I should skip this meal or actually eat it. One of Jay's men gently elbows me to gain my attention. "Eat it, Mrs. Boss. If Boss finds out his girl wasn't taken care of, it's my head." He whispers under his breath, I sigh and nod. I eat it quickly, trying to not throw up.

"Hey, beautiful." Daniel smirks, I shake my head with a sigh of irritation.

"You met my boyfriend just five minutes ago. I'm obviously taken." I sigh, quirking an eyebrow at him. He chuckles, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Fine. You're taken. But, what if, we ran away together?" He winks, I roll my eyes but a smile flits onto my face nonetheless.

"No but thank you for the offer. I'm in love with Jayden, and I'd rather not spend any more time away from him." I ruffle his hair, he chuckles as his blue eyes twinkle with humor.

"Understandable. How did you get in here anyways? You haven't seemed eager to tell me." He asks, curious. My smile slips away as I quickly shake my head.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Daniel. I need to head back to my cell. Sorry." I say shortly, standing and leaving quickly. I do my daily stretch and small workout, stretching out on my bed and taking a small nap.

My court date is tomorrow, and I can't wait. I haven't eaten anything because I'm both too nervous and excited for tomorrow. The trial starts at eight in the morning, and I can finally get out and get some fresh air. Jay is bringing me some clothes for the trial, so I look more professional. Finally, falling asleep, I drift off into my normal nightmares. I fall off the bed, screaming and crying as a panic attack takes over. The men around me give me sympathetic glances as the guards come over to yell at me to be quiet. But, instead of the usual guards, one of Jay's guys comes over and holds out his phone.

"Call him." He sends a small smile, I quickly take it and call him as my sobs rake through my body.

"Hello?" Jay growls tiredly into the phone.

"J-Jay?" I whimper, trying to be quiet.

"Dawn? Baby? What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks quickly, worry seeping into his tone. I sob, pushing my fist into my mouth to muffle it.

"Is it the nightmares again? Sweetheart, you are surrounded by men who will die for you. You are safe, and loved, and I'm always going to be here for you. Hey, breathe with me." He shushes soothingly. I hiccup, trying to steady my breathing to match his.

"That's it, love, just keep breathing with me. What do you see?" He asks soothingly, my eyes dart around quickly. The worried guys around me were watching out for real guards.

"Y-your guys m-making sure no one comes." I sniffle, tears still going down my face as I tremble so hard the phone fumbles in my grip.

"What do you hear?" He soothes, I focus in on that one sense and hear the worried mutterings from the cell next to mine.

"People whispering." I murmur, calming.

"What do you smell?" His voice soft. I breathe in deeply, sighing.

"Shit." I mutter, making him laugh.

"What do you feel, sweetheart?" He asks, a smile leaking into his voice.

"The cold, hard ground." I cough, he sighs.

"Okay, how are you feeling now?" He asks, worried once again.

"Better. Thank you, Jay." I whisper, I can just imagine him smiling.

"Always, Cupcake. I love you." He says cockily, I giggle.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now