Chapter Three

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"What. The. Heck." A guy whispers furiously, I shift in my half-asleep state and realize I have a small body on top of me. I sluggishly open my eyes, seeing Emmaline sleeping with her nose brushing the crook of my neck. I smile tenderly at her, gently moving her beside me, as I get up. Dawn and Kieran stare at me. I shrug at them, ignoring Kieran's glare as I stretch with a small yawn.

My joints popped as I relaxed under Dawn's awed stare. "She had a nightmare." I murmur, Dawn nods. Kieran clenches his fists, tensing his jaw. He shoots his sister a look of disbelief before turning back to glare at me.

"Kieran, lend Jay some of your clothes. You're about the same size. I'm going to help Emmie into some clothes and make breakfast." Dawn orders, already ready for the day. She's wearing skinny jeans, a black tank-top, and a tan sweater with ankle boots. She has a black beanie on top of her head with her hair curled.

I gaze at her softly as she wakes up Emmie. Kieran nudges me, leading me into his room. I watch him ruffle through his drawers, in search of clothes that will fit me. "How old are you?" I ask curiously, he pauses.

"Technically, fifteen and a half. I got held back, or else I would have started high school." He answers gruffly, glancing back at me as he finally throws me a set of clothes. I give him a small smile and jump into the shower.

Ten minutes later, I'm dressed and eating eggs and toast for breakfast. "I'm taking you guys to school." I say softly, Dawn raises an eyebrow at me.

"And why do you think you can just tell me that? Aren't you supposed to ask?" She retorts, wiping down her mess and spraying the sink water onto the warm pan she used to fry the eggs.

"Well? School's a long way." I smirk as she hesitates. Emmaline hops off her chair, going to Dawn and pulling on her sweater.

"Can Jay-Jay take us to school? It's a long walk." She asks, her bottom lip quivering as she uses puppy eyes on her sister. Dawn melts, nodding quickly as she hoists Emmaline onto her hip.

"Of course, baby." Dawn agrees, glancing at me with her honey brown eyes with a raised eyebrow. I grin, leading them out of their house as I spin my keys around my finger.

We drop little Emmie off first, then Kieran, and finally we make it to our school. We rush inside, hurrying towards first period.

"So, Angel... I'm thinking that I can start to pick you guys up and drop you off." I offer, she glances up at me as I put my arm around her shoulders, leading her through the door to the already full classroom.

"Um, sure?" She says it more like a question, I grin widely at her.

"Perfect. I'll start picking you guys up at seven." I say, letting her go as we sit down. I play with her hair as she does her work and take her to each of her classes. But lunch, is when everything falls apart.

I sit down and keep my arm around her shoulder as she eats. My phone rings, cutting off my conversation with the boys.

"Hello?" I grumble darkly, knowing who was calling and that I would hate this conversation.

"Boss! The prisoner escaped!" One of the guys exclaims angrily, I squeeze my eyes shut angrily. Dawn pauses, noticing my tense and anger figure. She shrinks in on herself, despite my attempt at a reassuring smile. It probably looked more like a grimace.

"Well, find him then!" I shout, the cafeteria glances at me but quickly look away from my angry face.

"Right away, Boss!" He says, and I hang up on him. I quickly text him my orders, so no one had to hear them.

Me: Kill him on sight.

I sigh and hold my head in my hands. "What's wrong?" Dawn asks softly. I honestly want to scream, but her voice was like a soothing wave. A breeze taking my anger away and replacing it with calm.

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now