Chapter Thirty-Five Unedited

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Jayden's POV

It's been two weeks since she was put into jail, and I went to see her every other day. Emmie was told that Dawn was on vacation and that we won't see her for a while, but Kieran went to see Dawn on the days that I didn't. And every day, I have become more irritable and ruthless at work. Speaking of, I'm right now raiding an enemy gang warehouse.

"They have twenty guards around the place." Alan's voice crackled through the headset, I scowled as I leaned forward and glanced down the hill to see a few of my men already advancing towards the building.

"Everyone, be careful. I'd rather not tell any families that they lost their loved ones." I growl through my earpiece.

"Got it, Boss." A chorus of voices agreed, I grumble and look out over the building. Guards suddenly popped up through the roof, letting me see that there is a door or entrance way from up there. They split up, taking posts along the roof and watching.

"I need someone to, silently, take out those four guards up top. I want the rest of you to split up and find these guards, make sure they don't sound the alarm. Then, we'll sneak in. I don't want to die today, so we'll have to be quiet as we kill those in our way. Just get the plans, destroy the drugs, and get out of there." I order, they whisper their agreements and in just ten minutes, all the guards are dead.

I creep down the hill, leading everyone into the building silently. We split up and start searching the place. "Boss, I had to kill ten men. I'm in the office." Jeremy whispered, I hum to show I heard as I creep into the lab. It's basically empty, curtesy to it being dark outside. But there are two scientists, working silently as they exchange notes and work with the drugs they've been creating. I shoot them both without remorse, pocketing the drugs and destroying all their notes and supplies by setting the place on fire.

I stalk towards their drug room, hearing my men shout as they are discovered and start shooting. "Destroyed their plans." Jeremy shouts into the earpiece as I enter the storeroom, I set the place on fire after pocketing another sample of the drug.

"Good. See if they have a list of who bought it. We need to destroy this drug once and for all." I ordered.

"Got it." Jeremy agreed. I turned to leave, remembering that I needed to get home to check on Kieran and Emmie, also to take a shower.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Jayden Pierce." A sinister voice chuckled, I glared at the small man before me. The leader of this small gang didn't have any muscle, only brains. He got money through intimidation and selling drugs that no one ever heard of. He caused too much trouble to ignore. "Welcome. I would offer you some drugs, but it seems you have destroyed them." He laughs, I roll my eyes and shoot him in the head. I don't have time for the games. I shoot him a couple more times as I make my way out, insuring that he is dead.

"Killed the leader. He likes to play games, and I really don't have the time." I smirk, I just hear a few grunts in reply. I glance up, barely dodging as a punch is thrown to my face.

"You killed my father!" A young teen shouted, looking barely older than Kieran. I hold my hands up in mocking surrender as I dodge another of his punches. He lands one against the side of my face with surprising strength, I wince as I turn back to him.

"Look, kid! I'm sorry. He was making drugs that no one should ever take. These drugs are killing everyone who takes it. Your father is a very bad man, and I'm only doing what's right." I state, backing away as his grief-filled green eyes frantically switch between me and the now burning room.

He kicks out, and I barely move out of his range. "He was all I had! And now he's gone!" He screams, falling apart before me. I sigh, turning and walking away. I hated this part. Killed someone who was loved. Who had a family. Whether it be, a spouse with children, or a young adult themselves. Everyone left behind someone when they died. And I just killed a man, a father. And I have a feeling his son will come after me but let him come. He deserved that at least. To know that he tried to receive justice.

"We lost Tony. He saved me. He took the damn bullet." Dylan choked through the line, I sighed. He was young. He could have had a full life, but he wouldn't take no for an answer a few years back. He's only twenty-four, and he was a single dad to a three-year-old. I'll have to find a home for the boy.

"Make sure to carry his body with us. We'll have to orchestrate his death for the press." I wearily sigh, rubbing my face as we walk away from the burning building and the screams from inside. People staggered out of the raging building as the fire envelops the place. We drive away calmly, mourning our one loss. I headed straight home, jumping into the shower after making sure that they were asleep. Once clean, I head out to get Tony's young boy.

I pull up outside Tony's small house, heading inside after picking the lock. I sigh wearily, heading towards the room in the back. Tony and I had a talk once, and he told me where his son slept and stuff like that. I even met the kid a few times, his name is Thomas and he's the second cutest kid I've ever met. Emmie being the cutest, of course. I slowly open the door, seeing young Thomas asleep in his racecar bed. I turn on the light, packing a small bag as he sleeps heavily. Unknowing that in a few short minutes, he'll learn that he'll never see his dad again.

I crouch down beside his bed, gently shaking him awake. "Thomas, buddy. Hey, I need you to wake up. Okay, bud?" I say gently, just as Dylan walks in and gawks as Thomas wakes up and rubs his eyes. His adorable blue eyes brighten up in glee.

"Jay? 'wut uw 'oin 'ere?" He asks in toddler fashion, I sigh and give him a small smile.

"You'll be staying with me for a bit, Thomas. Your daddy went for a long vacation, and you'll see him one day, but it will be awhile. He told me to come get you." I say gently, he nods with a grin on his face.

"O-kay, carry?" He asks, raising his tiny arms. I nod, gently pulling him up and setting him on my hip. I turn to Dylan with a sigh.

"Don't tell anyone I have a gentle side, or I will kill you." I growl, Dylan forces a chuckle.

"Okay, Boss. I'll carry the secret to the grave." Dylan nods, watching as I carry young Thomas to my car and buckling him in. Already asleep, I cover him with a blanket that was left by Dawn. I gently shut his door, driving away quickly. I carry Thomas up to a spare room next to Emmie's, going to my room and stretching out on my bed.

I miss Dawn. I hope she's fine. I need to send mybest lawyers to her. Speaking of, I also need to check on her tomorrow. I swearto god, if I hear about anything bad tomorrow, I'll kill someone. 

Dawning Love  (Completed but unedited) (First Book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now