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"No. No! No! NO!" I yelled tears filling my eyes. "No, take me back!" I turned to Damon. "You bring him back right now!" I started to weakly punch Damon in the stomach. I stopped and tucked to the ground crying. 

"Jules... I'm sorry. but I couldn't let him." Damon said crouching down to me.

"You don't know how this feels Damon! I just watched him go. I left him! I promised I would never do that!" I was crying so much I haven't felt so alone in 18 years. Kai made me feel better and I missed him.

"Jules, I know you love him."Damon started saying before I quickly stood up. 

"Then you wouldn't have left him!" I walked away to the house and walked inside to see a boy sitting on the chair in the living room. "Stefan?" my voice sounded cracky from crying. Damon walked in behind me and nodded at Stefan. Stefans eyes got big and he got up and walked over to us to hug us all.

"Julianna? Is it really you?" Stefan said cupping my face more tears were running down from my eyes. I nodded and he pulled me in to hug me.

"Damon?." a small voice came from the stairs. It was a girl. It was Katherine. 

"Katherine." I grilled my teeth but Stefan held me back.

"Not Katherine. That's Elena. She is Katherine's doppelgänger" Stefan said and I stopped clenching my jaw.

"Elena." Damon ran to her and kissed her passionately. I was mad. he got to have his love but I couldn't have mine.

"There's supposed to be a storm today Julianna, I don't know if you have ever experienced one but there will be one," Stefan said smiling 

"I prefer Jules. and I'll be fine. I just need to lay down. I've had a really bad day." I sadly said and Stefan nodded. I walked up the stairs to my room and laid down on the bed. It felt softer than the last one I had. all my decorations weren't in the room sadly. I took Bourbon out of my backpack, it was still soft and plush. It smelt like Kai. I cuddled the stuffed animal towards me still crying. I want him back.  


I've been lying in my room for 2 days. It has been raining the whole time. I had only left when it was time to eat. My brothers understood. Damon told Stefan about Kai so he knows why I'm upset. I closed my eyes and It started to thunder outside. I did not like that. At all not one bit. More tears leaving my eyes and I cuddled closer to the stuffed animal. I put a blanket over my head to muffle the sounds of the thunder. I hated it. A loud crack of lightning struck and I cried more. I have never experienced this before. I felt a hand touch my shoulder from above the blanket. I took it off my head and saw Kai standing there. I didn't hesitate. I didn't let him say anything. I quickly jumped in the bed and threw my arms around his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist. I hugged him and his arms were holding me up. 

"How- How are you here?" I was crying and placed me down on the bed to sit next to me and pull me to him.

"I have my ways. but now I'm here and you don't need to worry" he said softly planting a kiss on my cheek. He laid down and pulled me on top of him. Another loud crash of thunder came over and I jumped a little. Kai kissed the top of my head pulled the blankets over us and rubbed his hand up and down my back. He pulled me closer to him. My head lying under his on his chest. He was continuing to slowly rub my back with his hand going up and down slowly. 

"Kai?." I said softly and he looked at me with his eyes glistening.

"Yes?." he replied and I took his other hand and held it bringing it up to my lips and planting a soft kiss on it.

"I love you, Kai. like a lot. a lot a lot." I softly spoke. I sounded broken I was sad but I was happy Kai was back. He smiled and lifted my head up with his hand so I was looking at him. He brushed a piece of hair from my face and traced my lips with his thumb lightly looking at my lips than to my eyes. 

"I love you too. like a lot" he laughed a little. "a lot a lot a lot" he laughed and I laughed and cried a little. 

"I missed you. I don't care if it was only 2 days. It was the longest 2 days of my life and I just wanted to see you." I wiped tears off my face and Kai stopped me and kissed me I kissed him back. I had missed that too. The feeling of kissing him I ended the kiss and smiled. "Can we go out to the grill with my brothers? They want to introduce me to their friends" I asked and he looked at me and smiled.

"Sure. And I'll hold your hand while we walk through the rain and thunder okay?" he asked and I smiled and kissed him.

"Sounds like a deal to me" I got up and got dressed in black jeans a pink tye died tank top that's slightly cropped. Kai grabbed my hand and kissed me once more and then we went downstairs. 

"Hey, you are finally up good good " Stefan smiled at me and looked at Kai. "And your Kai? her boyfriend?" he asked

"Yeah I'm Kai, you're her twin, Stefan? except she seems older because she was turned at 19 and you were at 17." Kai smiled holding my hand and Stefan nodded.


We got to the grill and I sat down. There were so many people there and it was weird. The storm had passed finally. 

"Hi! I'm Matt, you must be Jules, Stefan told me about you." Matt smiled. He seemed nice but he was kinda odd I don't know what it was. 

"Jules" Stefan started saying "This is Caroline, Alaric, you have met Elena and Jeremy," He said pointing to each of them. Alaric gave Kai an odd look then got up and left. Stefan and Damon looked confused and so was I. 

"Hi! I'm Caroline! It's nice to meet you! somethings about me is I'm a clean freak! and I yell when I'm excited! so Hi!" Caroline yelled, I liked her enthusiasm she was cool. 

"Hi" I laughed and Jeremy looked at me and smiled.

"I'm Jeremy. you can call me Jer if you want, or little gilbert. Damon has a lot of nicknames for me" He smiled. He had a nice smile and he was pretty good-looking. 

"Well, It's nice to meet you all. Um, this is Kai. " I said and caroline looked at Kai and saw that he was holding my hand.

"Awwwww! ya'll are a cute couple his grey-blue eyes and your diamond blue eyes. His dark brown hair and your almost back hair. I ship it looks cuteeee plus Damon told me he heard you 2 talking in your house saying how much u missed him and how much you loved him-" Caroline started saying before I cut her off. 

"Damon! don't listen in dude!" I snapped at him and he laughed. I rolled my eyes. 

"Calm down Jules" Kai laughed and I looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

"So Jules, Did you and Kai do it?" Elena asked taking a sip of her bourbon 

"y-" I started saying before Kai cut me off.

"Yes we did many times," Kai said with a grin looking down at his drink then up at Elena. I put my face down in embarrassment and Kai laughed.

"SPICY!" Carline yelled and everyone started laughing even me. I picked up my head and rested it on Kai's shoulder and he smiled.

"Hello Luv," said a voice from behind

Who is the voice? 

Where is Bonnie?

What's Kai and Jules's ship name?

Do you like the story?

Comment please, I love comments 

The image above is Kai, he's so hot.

until next time


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