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I woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside it was only three in the morning. I wiggled myself out of Kai's arms and walked to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I turned on the sink and cupped my hands under the water letting the cold liquid tickle my warm skin. I brought my hands to my face putting the water onto it. I rubbed it and then grabbed a towel and wiped my face when I looked up into the mirror I saw Stefan standing behind me. "Stefan?" I asked and his eyes grew dark. "Help me" he whined. I looked behind me and he wasn't there. Then I looked at the mirror and he was right behind me. "Help me!" he yelled and his face started to turn into black veins all over him and his eyes started bleeding. I turned around and he was in front of me screaming. I screamed and went to go run out of the bathroom but the door closed. I kept screaming because Stefan was attacking me and grabbing me. Kai burst through the door to see me sitting on the ground with my head buried in my knees screaming. 

"Jules!" Kai yelled and grabbed me pulling me towards him. My sobs were as loud as screams. "Jules it's okay, I got you, it's okay," Kai said bringing me out of the bathroom and placing me on the bed. I was crying hugging him probably way too tight. "K-Kai it was Stefan, he was in pain and he was screaming, he attacked me and I couldn't get away," I cried into his chest. 

"Baby it's not real, he's gone," Kai said and I shook my head. "No he's was there Kai look," I said and Kai looked at the scratches on my body that were healing. "Somethings wrong with him Kai," I said and pulled out of the hug. "We will figure this out in the morning okay pumpkin?" for now I need you to just go back to sleep, okay?"Kai asked and I nodded. We cuddled up in bed and I fell asleep fast from Kai's warm body. 


I woke up to Kai gently kissing my neck, my eyes fluttered open and the sun was beaming in the room. "Good morning beautiful," Kai whispered into my ear from behind me and that's when I knew. Yes, he is in his clingy boyfriend mode. I smiled a little and he went back to softly kissing my neck. He hit my sweet spot and in return got a small moan from me. He laughed a little and stopped.

"Thank you, that's what I needed in the morning," I said turning to him to kiss him. He kissed back and then slowly pulled away. I smiled a little, the face he makes when he just wakes up is adorable. His eyes are squinty and his cheeks are puffy. His voice was raspy and his hair was messy. Yet he still looked adorable. "Pretty boy," I said wrapping my arms around his neck messing with his hair. He smiled at his new nickname, I know he liked it. He moved me closer to him and nudged his head into the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but smile and admire how sweet he could be. I picked his head up and brought him into another kiss. I kissed down his jawline and to his neck then stopped. "As much as I would love to do this, today is just not the day too," I told him and he nodded. "maybe later tonight tho okay?" I asked him and he laughed and then nodded. 

"Okay," he said, and then we got out of bed and went downstairs. It seemed quiet Damon wasn't making pancakes. Instead, he sat on the couch feeding Asher. "Morning Damon." I said and he didn't even look up at me. "morning." he said with a touch of anger in his voice. I frowned "Are you mad at me or something?" I asked and Damon turned to me to look at me. 

"Every time I look at you Jules I see him! You are a living reminder that I am never going to get my little brother back! You're his twin for damn's sake! You could have saved him!" Damon yelled and I felt my stomach turn. "I tried to Damon! Don't you think I wanted to save him! He didn't let me! He pushed me away from him! You think I wanted this!" I yelled back at Damon tears leaving my eyes and then Asher started crying. 

"No, Ash don't cry," Kai said and grabbed Asher from Damon. He cradled him in his arms and walked back to me. "you either" Kai said and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "I did EVERYTHING Damon! I tried okay! I tried! Don't you think that I know that it is my fault! Alright, there I said it! It's my fault that's my twin is dead! It's my fault that he is somewhere in pain! Its my fault that EVERY GOD DAMN DAY I contemplate driving a stake through my heart! It's my fault for being born a siphoner! It's my fault for being a hollow witch! It's my GOD DAMN FAULT THAT I CAN BARELY SPEND ANY TIME WITH MY KID!" I yelled at Damon and Damon stood up and I closed my eyes knowing he would yell at me. Instead, he hugged me, I was shocked at first. It took me a second to realize, Damon and I are going through the same problem right now. We both lost our sibling, our brother, our family. Hot tears streaming down my face. I looked at Kai and tilted my head telling him to join the hug. He put Asher to the side of him and hugged both me and Damon. It felt like a true family moment, then it hit me. Stefan wasn't going to be there when Kai officially became part of the family. 

More hot tears dripped down my face, I could feel Damon sobbing and Kai as well, But now, Asher was laughing. Make up your mind kid. The hug broke up and I stared at the ground at my feet. Note to self, paint toenails I thought then looked up at Damon whose eyes were the same color as the blood. He was still crying but he turned back to his bourbon and filled us all a glass. 


"Damon, I need to tell you about something," I said finishing another glass of bourbon. "Go ahead," Damon said taking another sip of his drink. "I saw him. I saw Stefan, this morning I woke up and splashed some water on my face. He appeared near the mirror saying 'Help me' then he started to attack me or try to get in contact with me? I don't know, but he is not okay, somethings wrong and we need to help him" I told Damon, he looked shocked for a second then a grin came across his face. Oh god, Damons 'I got an idea' face. 

"What?" I asked crossing my arms. "well Bon Bon has a little witchy woo book at her Grams house, She can get it and come to us then we can find some little spell and bippity boppity Stefan back to life" Damon said, his grin never leaving his face. "Do you really think that it will work?" I asked and Damon nodded. 

"She's Bonnie Bennet, of course, it will work," Damon said and I gave him a look. "And I am Julianna Lily Salvatore, his twin, and I will be the one to bring him back" I looked at Damon and he nodded in understatement. 


"I'm here and I got grams' book, now, we just gotta find the spell and-"Bonnie started saying before Damon cut her off. "Bippity Boppity Stefan back to life," Damon said string his bourbon. 

"Well let's get this shit started, now," I said and started to read the grimoire. "What can I help with?" Kai asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. "you can change Asher's diaper" I said and Kais smile dropped and I laughed. "love you" I said as Kai walked away to go change Asher's diaper. "yup, love you too" Kai said in annoyance of having to change Asher's diaper. 

I kept skimming through the grimoire to find the spell. I felt like I was reading the world's biggest dictionary. I came across one spell, it said to find the ashes and something that belonged to the person. My eyes lit up with excitement and I looked at Damon who had seen the spell as well. 

"Kai and I will go get his ashes, if we can find where he was burned, you and bonbon stay here and find an object and some candles" Damon stated and got up. "Okay, sounds good," I said and Kai came to Damon. 

"Yeah so YOU finish with baby shits-a lots diaper," Kai said and I gave him a look. "No, you can go once you finish the diaper, how are you still not done?" I asked him with a laugh. "Did the name baby shits- a lot not comprehend yet?" Kai said and I laughed at him. "Go finish," I told him and he let out a groan stomping off into the baby's room. 

I went up the stairs and walked into Stefan's room. The smell of his musty cologne was still freshening the room. I hesitated in the room to go through his stuff, but couldn't pull myself to do it. My eyes trailed the room, the bed was made. The curtains open, laundry wasn't done tho, and his journals from over the years in his room. The most recent journal was at his desk, I smiled a little with some tears going down my face when I looked at his nightstand to see a picture of me, Damon, and him with our cups of bourbon at a party sticking out our tongues. I felt two arms wrap around me and I smiled a little and whipped my tears knowing that it was Kai. 

"You okay?" he asked into my neck and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay" I sighed and saw Stefan's ring over on his nightstand. I walked to it and picked it up putting it in the palm of my hand. "This is the object we can use for the spell," I said turning back to Kai and showing him the ring. He looked down and nodded then looked back up at me. "okay, then me and Damon will get over to the tunnels and find his ashes with magic" Kai said walking over to me and holding my hands. "And I promise, we will get your brother back," he said pressing our foreheads together. I hummed and smiled a little trusting Kai. He smiled back and kissed the top of my forehead. "I promise Julianna," he said, I knew he was sincere, he never used my full name unless it was something very serious. Kai let go of me and smiled then turned to leave the room. To turn and report to his mission...

Do yall want a Jake Riley story? Kinda on a Jake phase rn BAHAHA

So she can see Stefan? What's wrong with him?

What if they pick up Katherine's ashes instead? I mean the rings were once Katherines because he and Emily made them for brothers.

What if Katherine comes back?

Till next time, 


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