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It had been at least an hour waiting for Kai and Damon to return. I started to get nervous. When would they be back? I fidgeted with my hands and Bonnie gave me a look. 

"Don't worry Jules, they'll be home soon," Bonnie said and I heard footsteps approaching the door. I got up to go see who it was but when I opened it I was shocked at who was standing there.

"Cami?!" I said full of excitement and hugged her, she was wearing vervain I could sense it. I mean she did just come to one of the most famous vampire's houses so. 

"How are you?" she asked with a smile that I returned back to her. "Good, I'm doing good, how are you here?" I asked her smiling. 

"Well, I don't know, I wanted to visit mystic falls, I asked the guy at the bar if he knew where you lived, I think his name was Jeremy?" Cami said and I nodded, she carried a brown Abercrombie bag that had some of her belongings in it. "Yeah, that's my friend," I told her and she nodded. 

"excuse me, Ashes coming through," Kai said running into the house with Damon. They sat down near Bonnie. "JJ come on" Damon instructed and I sat on the floor. Kai told Cami it was best if she left so she did. Bonnie placed my brother's Ashes around me and I took a deep breath. 

I clenched onto my brother's ring and closed my eyes. I started chanting the spell. The was a breeze in the room and I could hear glass shatter. I kept going in the spell siphoning my vampirism for more magic. I felt a liquid go past my lips, my nose was bleeding. I chanted louder trying to speed up the process so I wouldn't pass out. 

"She's got to stop it's killing her," Kai said and I kept chanting. "Jules, Stop!" Kai yelled but I only got louder scream-like chants. I stopped the magic and opened my eyes. "It's done, but where is he?" I asked and Damon sighed.

"I don't think it worked JJ," Damon said and I quicked a breath. "No he has to be, I-I did the spell- m-maybe I did it wrong" I cried and picked up the grimoire reading the spell. "Jules," Damon spoke in a soft voice trying to calm me down. "Jules!" Damon yelled and I looked up at him. 

"It had to have worked Damon! I did everything! Why didn't it work!" I sobbed and everyone went silent looking down in sorrow. "I just want him back" I sobbed and Damon kneeled down and pulled me into a hug I quickly hugged him back and sobbed into his shoulder.

"are you wearing Stefans Van Halen shirt?" Damon asked and I nodded more tears escaping my crystal blue eyes. "I'm sorry I can't right now," I said and got out of the hug to stand up and run upstairs. I walked into Stefan's room and slammed the door pressing myself against it. 

I slid down against the door bringing my knees closer to me. I screamed in agony and brought my head back against the door. Tears flooding out of my eyes. I cried and screamed into my hands then got up. I looked at the picture on the nightstand I threw it to the wall smashing the frame. 

"Damn it!" I yelled tears still streaming down. Everything hurt. I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart with a stake. That's how bad It hurt. I have to live with the fact of knowing my brother is dead. He's dead. "DAMN IT!" I screamed and punched the wall leaving a dent. I just wanted to die. But I don't want to leave Kai. I knocked everything off of his desk. Breaking lamps and a lot more. I turned to Stefan's journal and picked it up when I heard a noise come from the balcony. 

I turned around to see a figure in the dark. "Kai I really don't want to talk right now," I told the figure. The figure walked closer into the light. "I don't believe I am Kai." the figure said and my eyes went wide. "Hello Sister, did you miss me?" He asked and I couldn't think I just ran to him and hugged him. 

"I missed you so much Stefan," I said crying so hard I didn't think it was possible. I heard Damon run up the stairs and into the room. 

"Stefan," Damon said and Stefan nodded. Damon walked closer to our brother to bring in a group hug. "What happened to you Stef? With your eyes?" I said remembering what I saw in the mirror and backed away from Stefan to see his answer. 

"We are all in Danger." Stefan started with a serious look. "What is it, Stefan?" I asked him and he took a deep breath. 

"We have a new supernatural bitch in town. Closing hell only released her, She's a succubus." Stefan said and I looked at him in confusion. "What is a succubus?" I asked.

"There like horny vampires" Damon told me and Stefan rolled his eyes. "What Damons trying to say is a Succubus is a supernatural figure that's like a Demon. They are seducers. It's always a female and they feed off of either sexual activity or blood. Their magic is like a purple glow, you know how your hands glow yellow when you are siphoning? Well, they have a purple glow when they are siphoning the victim's emotion when the victim enjoys the sexual activity, whether its body or words." Stefan explained I had read about Succubus's when I was 12 but I didn't know they were real. Then again I didn't know vampires were real but here I am.

"Well, what's her name?" I asked him and he crossed his arms. "Her name is Lilith, Lilith Pheonix" Stefan announced and I nodded still confused. "What did she want from you?" I asked wiping tears. "The cure. I still had it in me she was trying to force it out of me. Good thing is, I'm back, bad thing is, she linked herself to me. So she is back too" Stefan sighed and Damon and I looked at each other. 

"Jules, she said she will stop at nothing to make sure- to make sure you are dead. She says you're a threat to her." Stefan warned and I looked at the ground. "well let's keep an eye out for this son of a bitch." I demanded and my brothers nodded. I went downstairs with them and explained everything to Kai.


"So her name is Liliac panic, and she's a-a what?" Kai asked and I smacked my hand to my head. "No Kai, her name is Lilith Pheonix, and she's a succubus," I corrected Kai. "Ohhh," he said nodding and I laughed.

"Okay, so she got dragged here with Stefan meaning she can't be far, anyone have an idea how to find these sons of a bitches?" I asked the group of supernatural. "I didn't even know these things existed," Damon spoke for the rest of them. 

"She has a weakness, any witch magic, its like, well, Jules and Kai. You two can take magic from being siphoners, when you are full of your own magic she can't feed off of you. But vampires contain a different kind of magic-making them victims and able to be fed off of. They are stronger than a vampire tho, they can kill you easily. By they I mean her, she's the last of her kind. To draw her out we need a good-looking person to look all sad, and they have to be alone." Stefan announced and I nodded. 

"Alright I'll do it," Damon said with a small smile, "I mean how bad could it be" he added and Stefan shook his head. 

"No, It can't be you, It needs to be a witch, so either, Jules, Kai, or Bonnie or any other witch. Not a vampire Damon" Stefan said and Damon let out a dramatic sigh. 

"I'll do it," I volunteered and Stefan nodded. 

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's get this plan into action shall we?" Damon said with a smirk. I turned to the door and walked out, on the way to find Lilith.




Stefan had his ring when he was a vampire, the spell was to have something from when he was living to bring him back... would that mean that Stefans a vampire again? Idk you'll have to wait and see!

Image above is the succubus magic

Till next time


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