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"Caroline! That dress is gorgeous!" I jolted with excitement. Something buzzed in my pocket I jumped a little then reminded myself it was something called a phone. I looked at it. It was Kai he was texting me.

Kai: I love you, I miss you, please hurry up.

                                                                                                                          I love you too and miss u. but what's the matter, Kai? Why do you miss me so much? It's cute but why?

Kai: well. you have been gone for 3 hours 
and it's kind of scaring me because I 
haven't been without you for that long
so please hurry up.

Okay, well we just found the dress.
we will be home soon

We picked out my size and went to the counter to pay but I wanted to try something. I looked right into their eyes.  "You will give me this dress for free," I said compelling them as they handed me the dress. I had never tried compulsion but damn was it fun. Caroline's eyes were widened in surprise as we walked out of the store. We got in her car and she wanted to take a pit stop for a coffee. I didn't want one but she did. She bumped into one of her friends inside and decided to have a long chat with her.  She came back outside after almost an hour and we drove to the house. I walked inside to see Damon and Stefan playing at the pool table.

"Hey Jules, find a dress? Hey! don't cheat Damon I saw that!" Stefan said as Damon took his turn. 

"Yeah, I did, wheres Kai?" I asked Stefan and he looked up placing the pool stick under his chin thinking.

"He's upstairs" Stefan responded and Damon cheated once more. "Stop it!"

"Thanks, Stef" I walked up the stairs put my dress in my room. "Kai I bought a dress," I said closing my door. "I think you will like I-" I stopped when I entered Kai's room to see him tucked up in the corner of the room sitting on the floor with his knees brought to his face. "Kai?" I sat next to him and he picked his head off his knees revealing he had been crying. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked as I held his hand. 

"You were gone for 4 hours," Kai said his eyes looked very blue from glistening with tears and because all around it was red. "I thought you were hurt, and I have never been without you for that long besides when you and Damon got out of the prison world without me. and It made me think back to when my parents isolated me in my room so I couldn't see anyone. I just really really missed you, Jules..." This was the second time I had ever seen Kai cry. It was sad like seeing something lost. His eyes were big his cheeks looked puffy because of the tears and tear stains down his face. I leaned in and kissed him deeply. 

"I'm sorry Kai. and the important thing is, I'm here now okay. I'm here now and I won't leave you for that long ever again. I promise." I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled slightly. "Come on, let's go lay down. " I got up and helped him up and hugged him. "Is that the pizza Elena ordered for us?" I asked with a laugh. Kai nodded as he wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me. As he hugged me he walked us over to the bed and he laid down and pulled me to lay on top of him. 

"I love you," he said softly through his tears. His touch felt different and his heart was at a different pace. His touch felt warm and cozy yet sad. His heartbeat wasn't fast it was slower but at a normal pace. I could almost hear the butterflies flapping in his stomach. It wasn't rare for Kai to say he loved me anymore. In fact, I think that it's his new favorite word.

"I love you too," I said looking up at him softly tangling my hands in his dark locks. He smiled a little and I removed the tears off of his face with my thumb. Tracing around his lips and enduring his facial features. I looked back into his eyes and smiled a little then kissed him. The kiss felt different too but in a good way, it was like a movie kiss, the ones that you always wanted. "I'm gonna go take a shower. You going to be okay?" I asked cupping his face.

"I'll be okay" He kissed me once more before I got off of him and grabbed grey sweat pants, a cropped black tank top, a bra, and a fresh pair of underwear. I picked up my towel and walked to the bathroom turning on the shower for it to be hot. I undressed and stepped into the shower. I closed my eyes feeling the hot water drip down my body. I reached for the shampoo but It wasn't there. I opened my eyes to see Kai standing in front of me naked with the shampoo bottle. 

"I want company and I want to help you shower so," Kai said with a smile and squirted shampoo in his hand turning you away from him and massaging the shampoo into my scalp. I tilted my head back a little giving him more access. It felt good, he covered my eyes as he washed it out. I turned around towards him and looked into his eyes. His eyelashes had water on them and his wet hair dripping on his face. I cupped his face and kissed him. He grabbed my waist pulling me into him and kissing me back. I could feel his length pressed up against me. He thrusted into me and I let out a moan before there was a loud bang on the door.

"Not in my shower! out now!" Damon yelled, I was mad but listened and got out of the shower. 

"Stupid" I put on my clothes and put in a leave-in conditioner. Kai got dressed and hugged me from behind kissing my neck and nibbling softly on my earlobe. "you're so sweet Kai" I smiled and turned around to him. "come on, let's go to bed, I'm tired" I yawned and he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom to cuddle and fall asleep. I fell asleep cuddling up to him.


"Jules are you okay?" Stefan asked as I threw up in the toilet. I flushed it don't the toilet.

"Yeah I'm fine I don't know what's wrong with me," I said, there was a sharp pain in my stomach and I don't know what it was. 

"That's impossible?" Stefan said and I gave him a confused look.

"What is?" I asked my face confused and I turned to the mirror.

"Jules, I hear 2 heartbeats in you. But you're a vampire, you can't procreate. Unless. you can't age in the prison world nor can you die. The prison world didn't think you were dead then yet you weren't in the real world either. You and Kai had sex there and he isn't dead meaning if the prison world thought you were alive then you are able to procreate meaning the worlds are confused and now... you're pregnant with Kai's kid." Stefan said and my eyes grew wide. How was I going to tell Kai?

"I- I need to lay down" I walked to Kai's room and closed the door, tears leaving my eyes Kai ran up to me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked cupping my face and more tears ran down my face. 

"Kai, there are 2 heartbeats in me. In the prison world, you cant die. It didn't know I was dead. Meaning It let me procreate with you but now that we're back in the land of the living I'm fully living and from being a witch it protected it and Kai... I'm pregnant..." I felt like I was going to die I thought Kai was going to leave me.

"I- I'm going to be a dad?" Kai said and I nodded. He smiled and I saw one tear fall from his eye. "Oh my god, I'm gonna be a Dad" he kissed me then smiled and so did I. I was happy he was happy, and that he didn't leave me. 






Till next  time

- T.N

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