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"Hey Echo! Want to see how much trouble we can get into?" I asked as I walked up to him and sent him a smile.

"Oh maker, we're gonna die aren't we?" He asked calmly.

"It's Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself." I said calmly.

"You absolutely do not." Hunter said as he and Tech passed by us.

"So, want to get into trouble?"

"I'd really love to, but I have... plans tonight." He said as he bit his lip.

"You are saying no to hanging out with me? What if there is no trouble making at all?" I asked happily.

"I have a thing I have to do."

"I can help."

"I really just don't want to hang out with you tonight. So leave me alone." He said as he walked away from me.

I saw Crosshair stop outside the door and shoot me a look.

"Didn't know the reg would actually stand up for himself like that."

I felt tears stream down my face and Crosshair let out a sigh.

"Wrecker! Come deal with your friend!" Crosshair yelled angrily.

"Wrecker is with Tech and Echo outside!" Hunter yelled back.

"(Y/n)'s crying!" He yelled calmly.

"We'll just hug (Y/n) or something!"


"Just do it and quit complaining!"

I heard Crosshair let out a sigh and he walked over to me and pat my head.

"There there, Echo's just having a rough day." He said calmly.

I mumbled something and he let out a groan.

"Hunter! I don't speak heartbreak!"

"I'm coming!" Hunter yelled with a groan.

He walked into the room and I let out a whimper.

"Come here." He said as he held his hands out.

"Why can't we tell (Y/n) again?" Crosshair asked with a frown.

"Ask Echo." Hunter said as I hugged him tightly.

After I calmed down I decided to go for a walk. I didn't know what it was that the boys knew, but I knew that Echo didn't trust me enough to tell me about it.

I stopped walking when I heard a groan. I slowly crept up and saw something with a metal band around its head.

"Echo?" I asked shocked.

His head shot up and I saw that I was staring at a werewolf. He quickly moved back away from me and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Echo? Is that... you?" I asked softly.

He looked down and nodded his head.

"Guess this is the secret Cross was talking about." I said as I walked up to him.

He started to scratch at the band again and I walked up to him.

"Let me help you." I said as I gently grabbed a hold of it.

He froze up and I removed it from his head.

"Better?" I asked softly.

He nodded his head and gently nozzles into my stomach.

"You're like a puppy." I said with a laugh.

His head moved back and he shot me a look.

"A very cute puppy." I said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and I watched as he moved away from me and laid on the ground.

"Why is it you don't sleep on the ship?"

He looked up and me and I set down on the ground.

"Right can't talk I guess... is it cause of the boys."

He shook his head no and I bit my lip.

"Is it because of me?" I asked softly.

He nodded his head yes and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh, I understand... sorry for bugging you." I said as I went to stand up.

He quickly grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. He shook his head no over and over again and I sent him a look.

"That... why would you-"

He placed his finger on the dirt and started to write something.

"You thought I would be scared of you? Echo that's stupid, you're my best friend... I could never fear you." I said as I looked up at him.

He nuzzled into my neck and I let out a laugh.

"Stop it. That tickles!" I yelped out.

I let out a laugh as he pulled me closer and hugged me. I laid my head on his chest and smiled as I fell asleep laying on him. When morning came I had a blanket around me and I was in my bed beside Echo. I set up and smiled as I saw him awake.

"Morning." He said softly.

"How'd you sleep!" I asked softly.

"Great, this bed is a lot comfortable then the ground." He said softly.

I snuggled into his chest again and he pulled me closer, it was then that I realized he wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Echo.... where are your clothes?" I asked softly.

"I had to take them off so I wouldn't destroy them."

I quickly pulled away from him and he let out a laugh.

"Hey (Y/n)! Have you seen-"

Wrecker stopped at the door and saw me laying beside Echo.

"Guys! Echo took advantage of (Y/n)!" He yelled as he ran out.

"About time!" Tech yelled back.

"Seriously?" I asked as I shook my head.

"Hey! (Y/n) could of taken advantage of me! Thank you very much!" Echo yelled angrily.

"Oh I could?" I asked with a smirk.

Echo let out a groan and grabbed a hold of a pillow and covered his face. I let out a laugh and straddled his waist.

"Get off of me." He grumbled into the pillow.

"Why were you so worried about what I would think?" I asked softly.

"You're one of my best friends, and.... mumble."

"Echo, I can't hear you."

He continued to mumble and I roughly ripped the pillow out of his hands.

"I said... because I love you." He said as he covered his face.

"Well, I love you too." I said softly.

He moved his hands away and I felt a blush spread across my face as a goofy smile appeared on his face. He quickly pulled me down onto his chest and hugged me tightly.

"Stop!!!" I whined as I tried to get away.

"Nope, you're stuck with me now." He said as he hugged me tighter.

I let out a laugh and pecked his lips, before snuggling into his chest.

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