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I felt anger boil up inside of me as I burst through the medbay door and looked around to find the person that had caused me pain.

"Fives! I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled as I kept my towel on my head.

"(Y/n), I don't know why you're so angry." Fives said as he sent me a smile.

"Look what you did to my hair!" I yelled as I removed my towel.

My hair use to be (h/c) but now was a dark blue. I saw Kix's eyes go wide as my hair fell down.

"You changed my shampoo to blue hair dye!"

"Wow, actually looks kind of hot." Kix said softly.

We all turned to look at him and his eyes went wide.

"I mean-"

"You have a thing for girls with blue hair?" Jesse asked playfully.

"No, I have a thing for (Y/n) with blue hair." Kix said quickly.

"So you like her."

"No! Yes! I mean... I...."

"It's okay, I like you with no hair and your tattoo." I said as I shot him a wink.

He covered his face and let out a groan.

"Why does the universe hate me?" He asked softly.

"Well I don't hate you." I said as I walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

His cheeks turned red and he cleared his throat.

"I um... I have to go." He said as he took off.

I shook my head and turned to send Fives a look.

"You know, maybe having my hair blue isn't such a bad idea." I said as I turned and left the room.

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