Boil and Waxer

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"All I'm saying is if your hands are cold stick them in a toaster."

I stopped walking and quickly turned around to see Boil shaking his head while Waxer sent him a look.

"Waxer..... please for the love of the force! Don't stick your hands in a toaster!" I snapped.

"But Fives said-"

"Sweet innocent Waxer.... Fives is a hazard to society please never do what he says." I said softly.

"But I also asked Hardcase-"

"Don't even get me started on him." I said sternly.

I turned to look at Boil and he was hitting his head on the wall.

"Force give me patience." Boil mumbled under his breath.

"Don't you mean strength?" Waxer asked softly.

"If it gave me strength, Fives and Hardcase would be dead." Boil said sternly.

"Force why do I date you two?" I asked with a sigh.

"Because Cody said no and we were the only clones who wanted you." Waxer said calmly.

"That and you fantasize about having two clones-"

"Okay! I get it! Moving on, don't listen to Fives or Hardcase." I said as I turned and walked away from them.


I was in the medstation when I heard Waxer's voice.

"Please don't tell (Y/n). Please!!!!" Waxer begged.

"Why are you afraid (Y/n) will kill you?"

I let out a sigh and turned and saw Waxer holding his hands, while Boil carried him into the room.

"Toaster?" I asked calmly.

"Fighter engine. Jesse said that it would warm him up, thankfully I stopped him from standing in front of it." Boil said with a frown.

"Oops?" Waxer asked softly.

"Kix, take care of my idiot." I said as I left the room.

"Oh they are dead." Boils said happily.


"I told you it was a bad idea." Fives grumbled as Kix bandaged him up.

"But it was funny, and it proves we are the smarter squad." Jesse said with a smile.

Hardcase let a laugh and then a groan.

"Don't make me laugh.... I think (Y/n) broke a rib." Hardcase said as he covered his face.

"What happen to you three?" Rex asked as he walked into the room with Cody, General Kenobi, and Anakin.

"(Y/n)..... pissed off... because.... we pranked Waxer." Hardcase groaned out.

"Well, I hope you learned a lesson." Cody said sternly.

"Don't piss off the ex soldier?" Hardcase asked quietly.

"Don't piss of Waxer and Boil's lover." Rex said with a smirk.

"They are dating?" Jesse asked shocked.

"I told you!" Fives yelled happily.

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