Special Chapter 2 - Hyeonhye with the boys

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3 years since Hyeonhye's birth.

Yoongi's POV

"Oppa, don't make her eat anything that will trigger her allergy. No nuts okay? Don't give her too much sweets because she just had an appointment with her dentist. And one more thing, make sure she brushes her teeth before she sleeps. Don't tire her out too much or she'll cry during the night when she sleeps. Take a bath around noon so the weather would be warm. Speaking of warm, she likes her milk warm and if you have to play along with her or she'll cry. If she reaches her hands up to you, she'd want you to carry her. If she asks where we are, just tell her we'll be back when she wakes up. Oh! And one more thing-"

"Yah, Tinnie ah." I butted in her simultaneous reminders about my niece. She stopped midsentence with her mouth slightly hanging open like as if she was on pause, waiting for whatever I will be saying. "Stop saying 'one more thing' when you obviously don't know what 'one' means." I shook my head and let out a teaseful chuckle in which she just closed her mouth and pressed it together up to the side with her arms folded over her chest. "You know I can handle her, right? She's just a 4 year old girl. Nothing I can't handle." I smiled and she chuckled.

"Just have a baby with Miji eonni already and you'll understand what you're saying." She shook her head.

"We're trying okay? Stop being in a rush." I said and she giggled.

"By the way, Hyeonhye only sleeps while being carried. She got used to it since Jungkook's been spoiling her too much."

"Hey, she's my princess. How can I not spoil her?" Jungkook came out of the bedroom with a duffel bag and two loaded Jansport bags with him.

"You guys are married and you have a daughter right?" I asked and they looked at me, weirded out as they nodded slowly. Christine was standing beside Jungkook with her dress that ends above her knees. She still loved wearing converse no matter what she wears, may it be pants or skirts or dresses. She had a cardigan covering her spaghetti strapped bare shoulders and she had her hair up in a half pony tail. On the other hand, Jungkook had worn his torn up pants, a dark blue raglan matching Christine's dress and a pair of black converse with his bullcap worn backwards. They were in their twenties and yet they can still wear uniforms and be believed as high school students. "Why do you look so young?" I muttered and they chuckled.

"Why oppa, do you want me to be a little girl again?" Christine came up to me and hugged me. I looked smiled and pinched her cheeks as she squinted her eyes tightly shut.

"Even if you can't hear me anymore without your hearing aid or if you can't walk without a cane, you'll still be my little girl." I said, letting go as she had her cheeks in her hands while she slightly pouted at me.

"You're my oppa. Not appa. Stop sounding like an old man, pabo." She said and I chuckled. She's already a mother and yet she can still be a little girl when she wants to.... Or is it just me who can't let go of the past?

"Hyung, we gotta go or we'll miss our train. When will the others arrive?" Jungkook asked and I instinctively looked at the clock.

"In a few minutes or so, they'll be here. Our Hyeonhye's still fast asleep?" I asked and he nodded,

"Jagi-" Jungkook was to call Christine but she suddenly disappeared. Jungkook sighed and smiled before making his way to Hyeonhye's room. I followed and took a peek and saw Christine sitting beside Hyeonhye with Jungkook standing beside her. "Come on, Jagi. Its just one day." He cooed with a smile and Christine sighed.

"I know but... I'm just not used being without her by my side you know?"

"The hyungs will take care of her. They maybe idiots but they won't let anything happen to our Hyeonhye." He cooed and I opened the door to reveal that I was there. Jungkook gasped and Christine chuckled while I faked a glare towards Jungkook's direction.

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