Part 10

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Jungkook's PoV

"So do you like her?"

"Mhm." I said blankly and my eyes grew in realization of what I just said.

I heard Jin hyung chuckled beside me

"It's alright. I won't tell Suga. I'll let you tell him." Jin hyung said and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Aish innocent maknae. If you have to do things right, ask for the brother's permission. Then if he gives a go signal, all you have to do is win her. But if you get on the bad side of Suga, then it'll be a problem. And I'm sure Suga would protect his precious sister with all that he has. To us he acts as a strict appa, what more to his blood related sister? He wouldn't want you guys to date behind his back and I'm sure Christine won't want to date without his brother's permission." Jin hyung lectured me once again about love and I understood, nodded and Jin hyung smiled and ruffled my bangs.

"Excuse me." We heard a soft voice and was surprised to see Christine there

"How long have you been there?!" I asked surprised and she flinched with my sudden rise of tone.

"I just got here." She said looking everywhere but my eyes. I quickly took her hand and made sure she looked at me before I talked.

"Mianhe.. I didn't mean to shout.. We were just uhm.. Talking about guy stuffs.. I didn't mean to scream.. I was just really surprised.." I said pleading for forgiveness in my voice. She smiled and I felt my heart relax

"It's fine. I'll just go to my room. You're in the way. You're leaning on my door." She said pointing behind us where her door was and we quickly stood up and let her pass.

"Ne. Kamsahamnida Manager nim" Suga hyung said on the phone.

"What did they say?" Jimin asked

"They don't believe that I have a sister so before letting her stay in our dorm, we have to do a DNA test." Suga hyung sighed.

"Don't worry hyuuung! Everything will go well!" V said smiling at us.

"But appa said Christine's second biggest fear is needles and blood." Suga hyung explained.

"What's the first?" I asked

"Darkness and thunders." Suga hyung asked.

"You know alot." RapMon said

"Appa talks alot in his mails" Suga hyung smiled and everyone patted his shoulder.

"Well concerning Christine ssi's fears of blood and needles, we can just take a strand of hair or something." Jin hyung suggest and everyone nodded

"I knew that. Pssh" Suga hyung tried to act cool but we all laughed it off.

"Let's give her time to rest. She has school tomorrow." J-Hope hyung said

"Jungkook has school tomorrow too." Jin hyung said

"I don't think you should leave her alone in this house hyung" V said

"Yeah. Why don't you sleep here." RapMon asked

"Or I could. I'd sleep beside her." Jimin winked playfully and something just snapped in me.

"Yah!" Both Suga hyung and I shouted. I felt my cheeks grow hotter as they stare at me while RapMon hyung and Jin hyung chuckled

"Jimin don't bully the maknae too much." RapMon said as Jimin smirked

"What's happening here?" We heard Christine go out with her room saying those words in a sleepy tone while she rubs her eyes. She wore a cute red sleeveless hello kitty top with matching black hellokitty pajamas.

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