Part 21

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Christine's POV

I woke up to my alarm at 7 am and went straight out to look for food. I'm seriously hungry.

"Morning" Jimin said behind me making me jump in surprise.

"Omona! Hahah morning!" I said cheerfully

"Woke up in a good mood?" He asked smiling offering me a glass of milk

"Mmm." I said as I took it and drank.

"Why'd you skip though?" He asked me referring to dinner

"I'll spill when you do." I said as I winked at him

"Aish smart girl." He said as I chuckled.

The others were still sleeping so I cooked breakfast just for the both of us. It's the first time I actually got to bond with him alone. He was playful but he has a charming side as well. His aura felt more of a bestfriend than a big brother like the others and it was honestly very comforting. We got closer than we were before by spending time together alone and I even unconciously called him Jiminie but he said it's fine as long as I was the one saying it. He told me about why he left and then and there I knew something was up with Hannah and Jimin. He said she was his first love. First girlfriend. He did everything but they ended up breaking up. He knew later on the real reason behind it and that was because it was V whom she loved and not him. I asked if he's mad and he said no. He knew from the start even before he made a move that it was V but he still took a chance. Now he just wants closure and become friends with her like they were before.

"Omona." I said as I looked at the time

"Have plans so early in the morning?" He asked

"Mm. Hannah ssi said she wants to hang since we're both occcupied for the evening, we agreed to meet in the morning. I have 15 minutes til meet up. Be right back." I said as I scurried to my room, wash, get dressed quickly. I just wore my blue pants and white BTS shirt and my plain black doll shoes. I got my small bag and just placed my phone and wallet and ran outside.

"Take care" Jimin said "oh and you're story you cheater!" He said

"Will do! I'll tell you when I get home. I promise! Say bye to oppa for me Jiminie!" I called out and rushed to out meeting place.


"Mianhe!" I ran to where Hannah was sitting. I was 10 minutes late and I bowed as apologized as I pant, as soon as I saw her.

"It's alright. Was our meet up too early?" She smiled

"Aniiii, just got carried away by Jimin." I said sitting down infront of her.

"I'm sorry I didn't order anything for you because I don't know what you like.." She said

"Oh no it's fine. I'm not a fan of coffee anyways" I smiled at her

"Oh really? I'll treat you somewhere else later but let's talk here.. It's comforting isn't it?" She said and I nodded. I may not drink coffeebut I do find it's arouma very relaxing.

"Soooooooooo I'll start! My name's Park Hannah and I've been friends with the bangtan since childhood. Well, Jungkook, Jimin and V. The rest became my friends when their group was formed." She started

She told me she had to move to America for some family matters but now she's back and she'll be entering the same school as V and Jimin. They are the ones with the same age and grade. She also told me that they were best of friends since first grade but things just happened and somehow she wasn't that comfortable with V and Jimin as much as she was before. I knew but I wanted to hear her side of thr story.

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