Part 45

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Christine's POV

Day one passed by quick as we just gathered around the camp fire with our groups to strategize for the game tomorrow. We'll be having a relay where in students will be scattered in posts and they have to wait for their turn before they could move. First one to acquire their own flag color and show it to the head master of the game, Jongin and another Senior from the blue team wins a free meal prepared by the staff's chef. (Mostly Beef and Chicken.) The others will have to cook their own food using the fire they have on their sites using the fishes that we'll catch at the end of the game.. if ever we catch one that is. 

"Get some good sleep everyone and let's all energize ourselves tomorrow!" Jinki said cheerfully. "I want some chicken" he pouted.


"We'll get that prize for you oppa!"

"Omona don't be saaad! Kyaa! You're too cute!"

"We better win!"

"We'll do our best oppa!!"

Girls squealed everywhere and I just rolled my eyes with a smirk as he cheered up with what the girls said.

"Stop acting stupid Jinki" 

"Shut up Jongin." 

These two, I just found out now, may not seem like it, but are actually the close friends among their class. 

"Kaja! Let's go to our tents now." I told our team and one by one they scurried to their tents. Mine was beside Sungmi's. The right part was for the girls as the left part of our site are where the boy's tents are.

"Yah yah yah can I sleep in?" Sungmi said

"Who'll occupy your tent?" I said chuckling. "It'll be a waste of effort you know"

"It wasn't.. J..Jaebum helped me." she stuttered.

"Then go to the make believe house Jaebum made for you!" I giggled pushing her towards her tent.

"Fine. I don't think we'll be able to sleep anyways if we're together." she said as she hugged me goodnight and went into her tent.

I crept into mine when I found a note that was laid beside my things

You'll let him go. He belongs with me.

What the hell is this all about? I crumpled it and placed it in a random pocket in my bag as I lay down on my sleeping bag. I got my phone and was surprised to find 3 missed calls from oppa and 2 messages from each of the guys and 1 was from my doctor who was also mom's good friend.. Jiyoon umma...

Dear, I just got your text. It's been a while.. Don't take it the wrong way, but I'm not that particularly happy with our reunion. Especially with what you have informed me.. Please visit me as soon as you get to Seoul. Take care alright? Kristine will kill me if you don't. I missed you kiddo. See you soon

Your second mother, Jiyoon Umma.

I felt scared when I read her text. I sent her a message when we were on the bus on the way to the camp site before I fell asleep.. But I got to read her message just now.. Am I sick? I might be. Cause if I'm not.. she would have told me not to worry.. Right? 

MIN CHRISTINE. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. You're going to go and see her after this camp activity and get tested before you get paranoid, alright? Be strong, Min Christine. You have to be strong.

I decided to keep calm and try to push this issue away from my mind for now. I'll go see her after this camp. But until then, Min Christine, you have to be okay. Be okay.

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