Alternative Ending

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I know, I know I've promised this for almost a year already and I'm really sorry for only having to make this special chapter now :( Please forgive me guys.

But for the Chrismin shippers out there (omg you guys the ship names are so cute), here's your alternative ending! I'm sorry if it's not how you imagined. I guess a year of not writing got me rusty :( I'll still try my best though!

Tell me which ending you like best, okay?

Always take care my dear fellow ARMYs.

Love you lots! Xoxo


Jimin's POV (going back to his confession)

"It's because you're the girl I like." I finally got the words out of my mouth. I was looking straight into her eyes, gathering all my courage to finally let out the words even if I was shaking inside, terrified of the possibility of rejection. Deep down I know, she truly loves Jungkook, but I just can't stand her hurting anymore. She doesn't deserve all of this.

Her eyes says it all.

She never really saw me as anything more than friends.

It hurt, but I won't be giving up this easy.

I mean, what do you expect, Park Jimin? They just broke up. Ofcourse she still hasn't moved on.

"I know it's unfair that I'm telling you this just right after you've broke up with Jungkook," I said, looking down as I bite my lower lip, blinking out the tears. "I don't need an answer right away, It's fine. I can wait." I said, looking back up and into her eyes, giving her a slight smile. "Confirm your feelings first. Right now... it may still be Jungkook, but I'll be here for you. I'll always wait for you. Whatever your decision will be... I'll always be here for you." I said, patting her hands that was holding the flowers I gave her.

She was about to say something when Suga hyung came into the picture and I took my cue and stood up, taking a deep breath and facing Suga hyung with the most normal self they know, a smiley, goofy Park Jimin.

"Hyung, we're all needed in the company. I came to pick you up." I told him, giving him my signature eye smile.

Suga hyung was reluctant to leave Christine alone but she insisted she was fine and it was important that we leave. She pats Suga hyung's chests and leads us out, waving us good bye with a smile before closing the door behind us.

"Well, I just got kicked out of my house by my sister." Suga hyung muttered, sighing.

I chuckled, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Don't take it personally hyung, you know she means well." I told him and he nodded, walking ahead, thinking that I was right behind him.

I looked back to my shoulder, thinking about her.

I'll wait for you, Christine

I'm always here for you,

and I'll always wait for you.

No matter how long it takes.

"I love you, Christine. Please do know that" I whispered, closing my eyes and heaving a deep breath.

"Jimin ah! Are you coming or what?" when I realized Suga hyung was waiting, I quickly jogged up to him and muttered a playful apology before we were on our way to the company for our come back promotions meeting.



2 days later

We got back to the dorm, all tired and exhausted from training. Jungkook hasn't been doing well and have been frequently asking if Christine was okay or not to Suga hyung. It pains me to see him like that, but the pain Christine has suffered because of him was far more greater than that. Right when she needs a sturdy safe haven to be found in him as her boyfriend, he goes vulnerable and let that Yuri shake him.

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