Part 71 (part 1)

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Christine's POV

"Let's break up."

My hands started to shake as I took my hand away from his. He stared at me with wide eyes, mouth hanging slightly open as he was left speechless, well... for a moment.

"What are you saying?" he asked, dumbfounded. "I... I think I heard it wrong." He said, shaking his head as he look at me with glossy eyes. "W.what did you say?" he asked, almost stuttering, swallowing back the lump that was forming down his throat.

"Jungkook... Let's end this..."

"HAS HELL FROZEN?!" he suddenly asked, standing up as he shouts at me. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR PROMISE HUH?! WHAT HAPPENED TO "HELL WOULD FREEZE IF I WILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT?" YAH MIN CHRISTINE!" He screamed, tears suddenly pouring down his cheeks as he grips his hair in frustration.

"Jungkook. It's pointless."

"Pointless? How is it pointless when you're fighting for the one you love?! Why are you suddenly doing this to me?!" he screamed in frustration pacing back and forth as I hold back the tears. I can't afford to cry now, or I won't be able to stop.

"You're not even sure anymore if you really love me or not..." I whispered ever so softly, but he stopped in his tracks as he looked at me with eyes reflecting his feelings: surprised, broken, guilt.

"That's not true." He said, walking towards me as he sat beside me.

"Let's just end this joke, Jungkook. Let's face it. You'll be happier with Yuri and you'll stop suffering too. It's like killing two birds with one stone right?" I chuckled half heartedly, but the sound of my heart breaking into pieces was ringing in my ears, making me shiver inside.

"Joke? Is this all this is? Is this what we are?! A joke?!"

"Who are you kidding Jungkook?! I might die anytime and you're suffering right?! You're not happy anymore. I'm just making you miserable... Please..." Jungkook calmed down, grabbing me into his arms as he hugged me tightly, allowing me to let a few tears escape my eyes but letting my arms just fall to my sides, as if I was a jelly who had no control over my body.

"Min Christine... Jagiya... I love you. I really do. You'll survive. I know you can. We can fight this together. I'll always be here... I won't leave. Whatever you've heard from Yuri, none of them was true." He tried to coo me but I had my strength to put my hands on his chest to slightly push him away.

"No... You're suffering. You're miserable. You're going through hell because of me. You'll be happy with her. You won't suffer nor be miserable when you're with her, because with me, that's all I ever cost you. Pain and suffering. That's all true, Jungkook." I said, looking at him with tears blurring my vision.


"Jeon Jeongguk. Stop lying to yourself..." My voice shook as the last words came out more like a whisper, as I lose my strength. We became silent for awhile until he decided to break it by speaking up.

"Is this... really the end?" he asked shaking as he took my hand in which this time, I didn't reject. Just for the last time... I'll miss these hands on mine...

"W.w.we can still be friends?" I said, trying to look into his eyes while saying it, only to end up with my voice breaking as a tear escaped, but I wiped it all too quickly.

"Friends? How can I do that, jagi? How do you expect me to forget everything?" he asked, begging with his eyes for mine to look to his, tears falling down his cheeks, successfully stabbing my heart multiple times.

"I don't even know how to do it myself, but please. Don't make this hard for the both of us..."

"Is this what you want?" he asked, holding onto my hand with his shaking ones. "Is this really... what you want?"

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