Special Chapter 3 - Happy (?) Anniversary, Jagiya

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Despite the main story being over, I can't believe the reads and votes and comments continue to grow and now it has 1M views... Is this really happening?

Seriously, I'm very thankful to you guys for your continuous love and support to this book until the very end. I never thought that it would gain so much popularity when I first started it. To be honest, this was the very first book I've created and despite me having to delete the first version of it, I was still immature and a naive writer and I admit that I have made a lot of mistakes and I've made other things too obvious or things alike and rereading it now, I have times where I'd facepalm myself and thought of better ways to write it if only I had the chance and I feel bad having you read the first few chapters where I wrote it without knowing anything about writing but the book's completed and alot of you knows what will happen already, but if given a chance, I want to rewrite it again.


You guys cheered me on and still showed your utmost support and love and I can never thank you guys enough. I've encountered some critics and I accept them, I know my own faults and I'm sorry for those who said they were disappointed and that they wasted their time on my book, I'm truly sorry..

But hey, I'm still happy that you guys kept commenting and sympathizing with my characters and other comments really makes me laugh and brightens my day and I just wanted to thank you guys.

Shout out to @pxrkjimined for making a cover for YHM. She also did SWM's new cover and I'm really thankful...

Here's a special chapter for those who kept supporting me and this book.

Again, thank-you everyone.

찐자...정말 ... 감사합니다.

너무 사랑해요!



2 years later

Sungmi's POV

It's been awhile since I came here to Korea. I've stayed in US for 2 years now and it's my first time coming back ever since I left. Despite the hardships, Jaebum and I made it through and we're getting married in a month. Even though I was out of the country, I'm still well updated about Got7, Bangtan and EXO. How do I not? They've been labeled Hallyu stars and may not be as active as they were during their Rookie Years, they're still in the industry as well respected sunbaes.

"Christine ah!" I shouted as I spot her walking near the cafe. As soon as she heard my voice, she looked over to where I was and a smile grew from both our lips, running to eachother and meeting half way in a tight bear hug.

"It's been awhile!" She smiled and I did too.

"How has it been?" I asked, leading us back to our table with such bright smiles.

"It's okay. Jungkook's always out this past month since Bangtan's preparing for a comeback. Hyeonhye's in school and I have until 4 pm before I take her home." She said excitedly, but ever since her incident 8 years ago, I've always been keen about things concerning her and right now, her lips were kind of pale.

"Hey, is there something wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" I asked as we sat down but she shook her head.

"I just... don't have the appetite awhile ago so I didn't eat anything." she answered and I clicked my tongue. 

"That's not something you should do!" I said, hitting her head lightly before ordering a sandwich for her to eat.

We've talked and caught up with the things we've missed as she ate and she was excited about hearing the news of my marriage.

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