Part 12

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Christine's POV

I've never been so carefree like this ever since umma died. It feels refreshing to actually have fun after all these time I've been acting all tough and strong.

We've rode the carousel and the ferris wheel countless of time. Those were Oppa's favorites. A grown man, wanting to ride the carousel like all the time if only I've not done the aegyo to ride the other rides.

"Oppa let's ride that one!" I pointed at the duck boat appa once road with me on his last day. As I remembered that day, I lost my energy as I began to shake.

"I mean uhm let's save that for later." I backed off and turned around.

"Are you okay?" Suga oppa took my hand in his as he's eyes softened when our gazes met.

"Yeah.. Let's ride the spinning tea cup instead." I said breaking our gaze and pulling him to the next ride.



"Yah Tinnie ah" Suga oppa said while we're walking towards I dont know where.

"Hmm?" I said looking up to him. He's taller than me. He's near Jungkook's height. Maybe a few centimeter short but that's nothing compared to my height -.-

"Can you promise oppa something from now on?" He asked

"What is it?" I asked.

"Promise me you'll tell oppa everything from now on? No secrets. When you're in pain. When you're happy. Anything and everything. Treat me as your bestest best friend!" He said

"I dont think there's a word such as bestest oppa." I said giggling.

"You get my point." He said shurgging doing a sly smile and I couldn't help but smile with him.

He held out his pinky for mine to interlace it with.

"Promise me." He said now seriously.

"I promise." I said as I connect my pinky with his and we smiled and went to take lunch.


Time flew by so fast and I've never felt so happy in my life since the tragedy that happened all too fast. I got to know my brother better. He's a protective guy, thoughtful and caring. He's sweet guy who knows how to respect women and the elders. He's so much like appa. The childishness. But he's also matured when he has to.

"Omo that fast?" He said as we were in the middle of the line on the ice cream stand.

"What is it oppa?" I asked

"They're on their way. Jungkook came home from school and changed quickly. They'll be here soon." He said and I felt my heart beat fast at the mention of his name.

"Omo! Our clothes!" I remembered suddenly shaking off the crazy butterflies on my stomach.

"I'll call them." Suga oppa held his phone to his ear and soon he was speaking with someone. Guessing it's V.

"Ne, Suga hyung... Mm... Please tell Jin to not forget about our clothes alright? And bring some of yours too! No paboya. Aish. You 4D Alien arrasso arrasso. Komawaeo" And he hang up.

"V?" I asked and he chuckled in return.

I was surprised to look at my watch and find out that it was already past 5pm. I checked my phone and saw messages from Kai, Sungmi and Jungkook.

Christine.. How are you? Where are you? Can we talk...


I replied to him.

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