Part 3

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Author's note:

Hey guys! How was the two chapters I came up with yesterday? Was it okay? I hope it was... Here goes the 3rd! Hope you guys enjoy. Do leave comments... pretty please? Thankyou! ^^

Jongin's POV

"Waaaaaaaaaaah let's have a break hyuuuuung~" Baekhyun hyung asked Suho hyung

"Yeah hyung let's call it a breaaak~" Chanyeol hyung sang along behind him

"Okay then. Since our performance is done for the day and I tired you out with practice, I'll treat you guys refreshments." Suho hyung said wiping his sweat and everyone clapped

"Hyuuuuungs can I take you to CafeLatte...?" I asked them and they all turned to look at me..

"Can we come can we come!" Luhan hyung asked and I smiled and nodded but Manager nim suddenly came in with an urgency in his tone that he needed to take the EXO M with him for awhile.

"I guess I'll just buy you guys drinks and bring it here. I promise you get your drinks" hyung gave a reassuring smile at them and they left

"What's happening hyung?" Sehun asked quietly when EXO M left

"I dont know.. but dont worry yourself Maknae, I'm sure they're alright" Suho hyung said as he ruffled his hair and we were on our way.



"We're finally meeting Christine ssi!" Chanyeol cheered quite happily.

I've talked to them about Christine like every single time I had the chance. I'd always text her how she's doing when I'm far away. They asked if she was my girlfriend but I said she's more like a sister. They've wanted to meet her since forever but we just didn't have the time.

"I thought we were going to a cafe?" D.O said

"Ne Hyung, Christine ssi works there after school" I said

"Wae?" Suho hyung asked. "Students should focus on their studies."

"Yah we're greaduating already" Sehun and I said together

"No I mean her.. She's still young right?" Suhyo hyung cleared it up

"Oh.. well because she had to. Since her mom died early and her dad... wasn't himself before. She had to for them to keep living." I felt my hands ball into fist when I remember a bitter memory of Christine suffering because of uncle.

"How is she now?" Baekhyun hyung asked me

"She's doing well. Uncle came back to his senses yesterday. Be kind to her." I told all of them and we got off infront of the shop. We wore our shades to cover our eyes incase we get mobbed here.




"Annyeonghasaeyo. Welcome to CafeLatte" Christine greeted from the counter smiling and bowing. I took of my sunglasses and walked towards her smirking.

"Jongin ah?" she said surprised and her eyes grew wide in realization with the guys behind me

"Annyeong!" they all took their shades off and bowed to her. I swear she jumped and squealed quickly before breathing slowly, regaining her work mode self and asking for our orders

"What may I get you?" She smiled while her cheeks are rosy red. I chuckled at her and so did the other guys before ordering.

"It's nice to meet you" Suho hyung said as she punched our orders

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