Part 31

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Jimin's POV

"Hyung, will you allow me to ask her to be my girl?" Jungkook said sitting on a kneeling position towards Suga hyung.

"Hey who are we talking about here?" J-Hope said

"Aish hyung is always so clueless" I said shaking my head with a smirk plastered on my face.

"She's old enough. I think I have no right to stop you guys if that's what you want. But make her cry you little punk, you'll get what you deserve. Arrasso?" Suga hyung said and Jungkook nodded happily. They started to plan for it.

"So when I blow the whistle, everyone will go." Suga hyung said. He knew that she'd pick skating for tomorrow since he asked Sungmi of what she wants to do when they go out without any plans.

"I'll go out first. Keep Christine distracted." I said going out. Will I let this happen? Should I tell her now? How could I stay for the plan when the girl I like will be asked out by my brother?

Yah Park Jimin. Our deal was if he makes her cry. This isn't fair for Jungkook. He liked her first....

I saw her in the kitchen preparing food just like a housewife... Wait Jimin. Yah. Don't.

"Hey" I called out from the corner

"Hey" She looked over her shoulder to give me a smile. A smile that made my heart pound and break at the same time.

"So uhm" I started. Do I tell her? Should I wait a little longer?

"You know where V is right?" She asked. She thought this was what I was thinking of? Well that could do. Guess it still isn't the right time.

"Yeah. He's with Hannah. He talked to me awhile ago." I sighed sitting on the stool leaning my chin on my hand as I rested my elbow on the table.

"Well what happened with your talk?" She asked facing me.

"Well basically he asked if he could make Hannah his." I said. Same situation's bothering me but with different people. And he didn't ask permission from me. Why would Jungkook ask me anyway?

"You still like her?" She asked me.

"No." I said plainly. Oh wait I should change that.

"Maybe. I guess not anymore." I added

"Then why do you look sad?" She asked sitting beside me.

"I'm not sad." I smiled at her as I ruffled her hair.

"They're waiting for the food. I'll help you." I said taking the tray of food leaving her with the lighter task. The stacks of paper cups and the pitcher of water.

"She's coming." I told the others as I set the food on the table in the studio room. The others were huddled up planning. I sat beside RM and soon Christine came in the room.

They tried to act natural but they failed miserably. They look so awkward but I went along with it.

The next day came and as planned, she picked the skating rink. We got to rent it ahead so only a few people from our staff was in the rink just so that it won't be obvious that we've planned everything.

She looked really happy skating with us, if only she knew what was coming.

The whistle was heard and we went to the exit like nothing happened. We left the two alone in the rink as we went to the cafe near the rink. It took them an hour and a half to return to us, smiling as their hands were intertwined on their sides.

"So I'm guessing it went well?" RM asked as everyone was smiling at the new couple.

"Aish these kids! First V and now Jungkook! Why did you get girls before me?!" Jin said whining and everyone just laughed.

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