Part 43

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Christine's POV

After preparing some snacks for these pabos I love so much, we got in place in the living room as the maknae line tried to decide on what to watch.

"What do you want to watch Christine?" V asked me.

"Is it alright if we watch Miracle In Cell No. 7?" I asked them

"I heard it was a sad story." RM commented.

"I bet Jin hyung will cry." Jimin teased.

"Then let's see who won't after we watch it!" I said excitedly. Even before we played the movie, Unnie and Oppa arrived home with a few bags. Unnie winked at me as she was to use appa's room with oppa. I smirked and told them to fix her stuffs quickly so we could all watch together. In the end, our arrangement was something like this.

On the couch for 3: J:Hope, Me, Jin and RM (yes it's a couch for three but we managed to fit)

On the floor with the mattress: Jungkook, Jimin and V

On the couch for one person: Oppa with Miji unnie on her lap.

It's a touching story and these guys, no matter how strong their images are, they actually are very soft hearted which made way for the story to touch them and make them feel what the protagonist is feeling. We ended up in tears besides RM and Oppa.

[A/N: I honestly watched this in tears. It's a really good movie. Must watch :bd]

"No no no no no" the maknae line cried as the father admitted that he was at fault even if it wasn't true, just to save her daughter. Miji and I were hiccing already. The part where the father was sentenced to death, I couldn't watch it as I bore my head on J-Hope's shoulder. He hugged me and stroked my hair calming me down as he was crying himself.

The movie ends, and we just sat there, absorbing what we just watched. We looked at eachother and suddenly burst out laughing

"We look like shits" we all said in between our laughter.

Weekend flew as I didn't sleep in my room but on the mattress with the guys as their request since I'll be leaving for a week. We danced, played, hanged out all together. We had so much fun that it was suddenly Sunday evening 11 pm.

"Hyung let us sleep now, we have to be in school at exactly 6am" Jungkook pleaded

"Go to sleep. Christine's staying with us." J-Hope hugged me then Jin hugged me too afterwards Jimin and V clung to my legs like little kids not wanting to let their mama go.

"Uhm..." I started

"YAH STUPID MONKEYS LET GO OF MY SISTER" Oppa said as Miji Unnie and RM was laughing.

"One last dance?" V asked

"We'll perform for you. BEAUTIFUL!" Jimin suddenly said as if he thought of it the last minute.

"But we wanna perform for Christine toooo~" Jin said

"Fine then Beautiful afterwards, Adult Child?" RM suggested

"Suuuuure! I wanna see I wanna see!" I said excitedly.

They all got in place and danced for me. I sat on the floor with Miji Unnie recording their dance and they actually gave messages before dancing.

"This song is called Beautiful and we'll dance it for one beautiful girl who's really strong but soft hearted at the same time" J-Hope started

"I'm proud of you Christine ah! Even if I'm an alien, I'm still your oppa. I'm older and you can always talk to me for advice" V said

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