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Author's POV

"Always?" Christine asked, still in the arms of the ran-away groom.

"And Forever." Jungkook answered, reassuring her with their foreheads connected together.

Jungkook smiled and stole a quick peck on Christine's lips. Christine was surprised and hit his chest playfully while Jungkook just chuckled and enclosed her in his arms.

After all that they've been through, I think we can all agree that this two deserves a happy ending, don't you think my dear readers?

Jungkook lets go as he takes Christine's hands in his.

"Should we walk around?" he asked and Christine smiled up at him and nodded.

They've talked about what happened in the past 2 years they have been apart. Both did suffer a lot, but they skipped those parts and just told the happy parts, how Christine got to see a lot of new things in America and being able to go to their Show and Prove concert. Jungkook told her that he thought he was just hallucinating, but seeing her there gave him the energy to give his best, wanting to show her the cool side of him if ever she was seeing it, and he was glad that she really did. As for Jungkook, he told her about the awards they've received, the stages they've been on and the fans they've met. It was pretty crazy, pretty hectic, but it was all fun, so he says.

"I guess I can believe in the magic of love people always talk about. Before, I laugh it off but now, after everything we've been through, I can finally believe it with my whole being." Christine told Jungkook as she hugged his waist while Jungkook had his arms around Christine's shoulder as they walked. They were so close to eachother that it was so hard not to see how they never wanted to be apart again. They've been disregarding stares from people around. They must be thinking what a guy in tux was doing in a park. If only they knew what these two have been through.

"Magic of love huh?" Jungkook said, looking at her with his smile never leaving his lips.

"Yeah. We got our happy ending." Christine smiled but Jungkook stopped on his tracks.

"No. We didn't. I don't want a happy ending." Jungkook frowned but Christine looked at him, confused.

"Don't you think we've been through a lot already? Don't you think we deserve a break from those hardships even just for a little while?" she asked.

"I don't want a happy ending, because I don't want us to have an ending."

Christine's heart pounded as she fought the urge to smile stupidly infront of him, but failed miserably as the smile made its way to her lips. Jungkook chuckled as Christine looked down, giggling to herself, containing the butterflies she was having. They spent their time smiling, giggling, chuckling and talking about everything and anything, never letting each other go.


Back in the church, guests started leaving minutes after Jungkook did. Bangtan tried to hide their smiles as they left the event, not wanting to be disrespectful towards the Yuri and her family, but they were happy that Jungkook did what he did.

"I'm so sorry about this." Jungkook's mother said to Yuri's mom who just stared at her with an unpleased face. "I'll fix this."

"You better-" Yuri's mother got cut off by her own daughter.

"No, Mrs. Jeon, You don't have to." Yuri said, walking down the altar with eyes showing how broken she was. "I'm thankful for Jungkook for doing what he did. It would be more painful to be by his side as his wife while his heart still belonged to someone else. He saved me the misery, and I do want him happy." She looked down, trying to hide the tears forming.

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