Part 34

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Author's note:

Annyeonggg! Chosohamnida my dear readers. Had classes already so I had a hard time writing but I took a day off/absent cause my mom needed me here in the house and besides, my sinusitis isn't doing me good too.

Oh well, I missed writing and I hope you guys like my update. :3



Christine's POV

We all headed home and changed into comfy clothes before going to the studio room. I went to my room and took out a box that was hidden under my bed.

I opened it and found folded clothes I used when I danced. My dancing pants that ended below my knee. I loved that pants since it's lose on the crotch, I can move freely. It was black with silver zippers which made me love it more. I had my loose white tank tops with black tubes and my hanging shirts I use with a fit tank top inside.



"Ummaa what are all these?!" I said smiling at the clothes infront of me

"Just a little something from umma" she smiled at me as she stroked my hair.

"Ummaaaaaaaaa" I smiled as I hugged her.

"I know you love dancing, I can see it everytime I teach you dances and everytime you perform with Jongin and Jaebum. Are you like a crew?" She giggled as I nodded

"Mm! We call ourselves, Christine and the guys!" I joked as she ruffled my hair.

"Well some of these clothes are mine, others, appa and umma bought for you. Try it on!" she said as I picked my choice of clothes. The black dancing pants, stripes fit tank top with pink and black hanging shirt that ends mid stomach.

"Perfect Umma!" I smiled at her and hugged her tight.

"Thank-you!! I really love it!!" I screamed and appa came in with a big fat smile on his face as he hugged us both.

~end of flashback~


I took out my pants and placed it on my bed as I saw a picture frame with me holding a small trophy with my eyes tightly shut as Jaebum and Jongin were headlocking me.



"Congratulations!!!!" Umma ran beside Jongin and Jaebum's moms hugging us three as we became the champions of the junior dance competition.

"You guys were awesome! How do you teach your daughter to dance so gracefully yet strongly?!" Mrs Kim said.

"Nonsense! Jongin was pretty handsome out there too! Not to mention this adorable Jaebum" she said pinching the cheeks of Jaebum.

"Alright alright, let's take a picture!" Mrs Im said and the two moms backed off, giving the stage to us.

"Alright what's your group called?" Umma asked me with a smirk.

"Christine and the guys!" I beamed and the mothers laughed.

"BWOH?!" The two guys looked at me horrified as they head locked me but I showed the trophy nonetheless and the picture turned out awesome.

"I look wasted there." I said laughing

"It's your fault." Jongin said tickling me

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