A Son For Lord Andrew Charles Howard

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It is June 21, 2280 when Lady Karissa discovers that she is in labor once again with Lord Andrew Charles and her third child.

Lady Karissa didn't have Lord David run amniocentesis tests during the last two pregnancies as she wasn't concerned about the gender of their second or third child.

She would just accept the child if it was another daughter but in her heart she wished it would be their long awaited son, but she had no say in the matter.

She had already had Lady Elizabeth age 5 and Lady Samhain who will be 4 years in October, and she told herself that every man deserved at least one son in his lifetime if Odin so desired him to have a son.

Lord David would joke with her, " You are carrying the child high and I bet it is Lord Andrew Charles' long awaited son."

"Old wives tales don't interest me Lord David William Beck." Lady Karissa tells him.

"What position did he do?" Lord David asks her jokingly.

"I don't remember it was at night." Lady Karissa replies, "If my memory serves me right he threw my legs over his shoulders and he whist it about and that is all I remember." Lady Karissa tells Lord David.

"He was happy as a lark when we once made love, what he calls love." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I think he just wanted to get his rocks off and I obliged him. What could I do?" Lady Karissa tells Lord David.

Lord David says with a laugh, "It sounds pretty cold and unromantic."

"You have that straight Lord David." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lady Karissa gets up, she puts her robe around her and she gets up and walks to the window in her suite, but once again, when Lord Andrew Charles doesn't find her by his side he wakes up.

"What is the matter?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"What gives you the idea anything is wrong?"Lady Karissa asks.

"I have gone through this twice, remember." Lord Andrew reminds her.

"You should because you are the reason why I am in the shape I am." Lady Karissa tells him.

"How do you expect us to have children if we don't make love to each other?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"You call it making love, but I have another word for it and I call it "plain old fucking." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I hate that word Lady Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I know Lord Prim and proper, but once again I don't give a tinker's damn and a rat's ass." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord David Beck watches from the background as Lady Karissa throws insults at Lord Andrew Charles.

"You damn aristocrats need to take the golden spoon out of your damn asses." Lady Karissa says with a laugh.

"You strut around like some damn proud peacock with your feathers showing and I really think it is sickening." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You told me you didn't like the ladies in your circle because they walked around in their fancy dresses and batted their eye-lashes." Lady Karissa reminds him.

"Haven't you seen them while you were in town Lady Karissa?" They parade around in their fancy dresses." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I am sorry but I haven't noticed those silly young women." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

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