Chapter 5: Cursed Womb Must Die Pt.2

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"Fushiguro, where's Itadori?"







The pain in my chest stopped hurting, Yuji's voice is no longer heard...

Both Fushiguro and I felt that the innate domain has closed.

"Fushiguro, the special grade is dead. Itadori is in there right? Let's go look for him!"

"Hai!" He said.

Just as we were about to run and search for him I motioned Fushiguro to stop. He looked at me confused until his eyes widen open.

"If you're talking about that brat. He's not coming back." Sukuna said from behind.

None of us said anything.

"Don't be so frightened. I'm in a great mood right now. Let's chat for a bit." Sukuna said.

'Damn it! Damn it! I should have gotten here sooner!' I said being irritated with myself.

"This is what he gets for trying to use me without any kind of pacts. Feels like he's having trouble switching back." Sukuna said.

"He didn't know so it's not his fault." I said to him.

"Eh? So you can talk?" He said laughing at himself.

"Always got something to say, huh?" I said back.

"What a rare gem. Still though..." Sukuna said while ripping his shirt off.

"It's only a matter of time... so I thought about what I could do right now." Sukuna said as he was reaching to his chest.

'No... don't tell me...'

As he placed his hand inside Yuji's chest I felt a huge pain in my own.

'Ah-! I can't let him!'

"You bastard!" I yelled while trying to attack him with a sword but he kept taking the hit as he healed himself.

"What's wrong? You seem to care so much about him, I wonder what would happen if I just..." He asked while grinning pulling out Yuji's heart...

Blood splatered out everywhere...

Few drops going on to my mask as he was just standing there grinning while blood came out of his mouth.

"Damn you!" I yelled at him as I tackled him to the ground punching him.

"Damn-! That hurts you know. But what will this do? He's a goner now!" He laughed as he kicked me off him as I landed and stood back up.

"I'm taking this brat hostage." Sukuna said.

"Hostage?!" Fushiguro and I said at the same time.

"Yeah, I can live without this, that brat for sure can't." He said as he threw the heart on the ground.

"Switching out with me means he dies." He said.

"Also, for good measure." Sukuna said and eat the finger that he pulled out from his pocket.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now