❤Valentines Day Special❤

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|Mei Mei x Male Reader|

|Mei Mei x Male Reader|

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"I decided that I will be your valentine's, aren't I kind?" Mei Mei said.

"Okay?" I replied.

"Great, I'll give you the date later. I hope you'll be spoiling me tomorrow." She said before leaving.

"What's a valentine?" I asked myself.


"So that's what happened." I said as Itadori and Kugisaki were sitting infront of me in a thinking position.

"Well, we got to get you set for tomorrow then." Kugisaki said.

"Sigh I just don't understand why I have to take her out when she was the one who came to me..." I said.

"Oh pfft, you know, women." Itadori shrugged.

"Huuuuhhh???!" Kugisaki said giving Itadori a death glare making him sweat nervously.

"I- uh- Nothing!" Itadori quickly said.

"Now that THATS over with, we need to find you something to wear for tomorrow! To your room!" Kugisaki said walking in a random direction and came walking back.

"Uhh, where is your room?" She said embarrassed.

"Let's just go through here." I said as I opened up a portal to one of my rooms.

"Ooh! It's so spacious!" Itadori said while spreading his arms out.

"Where's your closest?" Kugisaki asked.

"Oh its over here." I said as I walked across the room and opened the closet door.

Kugisaki's eyes widend with how much room there was in the closet.

"It's like 92% black and the rest is white in here..." Kugisaki said.

"Why don't we go look for something new at the suit store!" Itadori said.

"。。。Suit store?' " Kugisaki repeated.

"I don't know what they call it!" Itadori yelled.

A few moments later at the 'suit store'....

"So what color pink do you want? There's watermelon pink, flamingo pink, champagne pink, dark pink, light pink, orchid pink, barbie pink, power pink. I personally like baby pink and pastel pink." Kugisaki said as she held multiple shirts.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now