Chapter 14: Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event

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Days before the exchange event...





Officers POV...

"He could be anywhere by now..."

"Wait what happened to the last detective and the other officers who were investigating the case...?" A newbie officer asked.

The room got silent giving the officer an answer.

"I see..."

"It also seems as he gave that scientist a visit and brought him to the after life as well. He is steps ahead of us, he knew that the scientist was working for us... that and he also got rid of who was onto him."

"If you all would have listened and not stand out, none of this would have happened!"

"Not like you were any better!"

Everyone was arguing with eachother blaming eachother for the loss of officers.

"Enough!" A voice yelled as everyone stopped arguing and turned their attention to a man.

"Lead detective of Tokyo! We're sorry if we disturbed you!" They all said as the took a dramatic bow.

"I see you all are struggling to catch Kenji."

"Yeah, those who did made it out alive after the incident decided to quit and left, they also ended up er- you know..." An officer said as he made an impression of a gun with his hand and held it to his head.

"So, we're at a dead end... how did you all come across Kenji in the first place?" Leader asked.

"It was at a casino when an officer of ours was patrolling through the place. I mean anyone who wears a mask like Kenji would look suspicious, right?"

"Yes, of course. Go on."

"The officer noticed Kenji taking out loads of cash and betting tons with others. It's like a miracle, he ends up leaving with more than what he came with!"

"That last bit was unnecessary." Leader said.

"After Kenji left the casino the officer decided to follow him and saw that he went to some abandoned underground and saw more people wearing masks.
When the officer came back he payed someone to spy on them while in the underground for a few months and to gain their trust by helping them get money." The officer explained.

"So what happened to the one spying on them?" The detective asked.

"After the spy reported to us some information we told him to go back and to lead them out the underground so that we could ambush them, and so while we waited for a signal that they were coming out...

... nothing came, we knew something was off when no one came out... we all grew worried and suspicious and went in and found nothing in the underground, we don't know what happened to that spy..."

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now