👻 Halloween Special 👻

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                                                  [ Utahime ]




"Anonymous saaaaaaaan, can you take the kids trick-or-treating? I have to go to a meeting." Gojo said.

"Gah! He's going to say no! And it's going to be your fault Itadori!" Kugisaki accused.

"Me?! What did I do??" Itadori asked.

"You picked a fight last year!"

"I was defending sensei!"

"Hah??! He can defend himself! You think he's weak??"

"No- I just di-!"

They continued to bicker.

I sighed and stood up from where I was sitting.

"Alright, hurry up and get ready if you wanna go. If you don't come back down in let's see... 20? Minutes we're not going." I stated.

They ram straight to their rooms.

I placed my hands in my pockets an sighed again.

"Aren't you going to dress up?" Gojo asked.

I turned to him. "I'll throw you outside on your head."

"Haha, scary...." He said while stepping away slowly and leaving.

20 Minutes later...

""Done!"" They both said at the same time.

"No, I was done first!"

"No! I was!"

"Were you guys seriously going to leave me?" A fimiliar voice asked.

We all turned our heads and saw Fushiguro standing in disbelief.

"Uh... did you want to join us?" Itadori asked.

He then got a book thrown in his face.

"I'm going to be with Anonymous sensei watching you two." He clarified.


"o H."

"Let's go." I said.

And so we left and went on our way.

"Look at all the people! Woah! Kugisaki let's go over there! The candy looks huge!" Itadori yelled.

"Let's go before its gone!" She yelled and they both sprinted.

"Are you sure you don't want to join them?" I asked Fushiguro.

"I'm fine." He replied.

"Oh, Mask sama?" I heard someone called.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now