🎃👻Halloween Special 🎃👻

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"Sensei's!!" Itadori and Kugisaki along with a few others yelled as they came running up to us, except for Fushiguro who had a dull look.

"Huh?" I said.

"What's up?" Gojo asked.

"Let's go to the Halloween Night Party that's at the park please!! There's going to be a lot!" Itadori yelled.

"Oh, a party how nice." Shoko said with a light smile.

"It sounds lame." Fushiguro said he scrolled on his phone with a hand in his pocket.

"It does." I agreed as I rested my head on my hand.

"You guys are boring." Maki said to us as she rolled her eyes.

"Shake." Inumaki agreed.

"Now, It doesn't sound too bad of an idea! This could be fun! Shoko, come with us!" Gojo said as he clapped his hands.

"Sure!" She said.

"Come on Anonymous-San! We should dress for the party too!" Gojo said excitedly."


"You both are loaded with cash, and I know that. So you should have no problem buying costumes for us." Maki said.

"Yeah, what she said." Panda agreed.

"Shopping....." Kugisaki said as she smiled evily with a dark aura.

"Fine by me! Lets go, Anonymous-San!" Gojo asked.


- - - -

"Sigh How did I get here?" I sulked.

"End me." Fushiguro said as he had an irritated look on his face.

"Oh! Oh! Megumi you could wear this!" Gojo said as he pulled out a costume that had fangs a black wolf ears and tail.

Fushiguro looked horrified as he tried to escape but got caught by the others as they held him down and put on the ears and tail on him.

"I'll just take this bloody nurses outfit." Shoko said as she smiled while holding up a costume.

"Nicee!" Gojo said.

"As for you Anonymous-San, you can wear this!" Gojo said smiling as he pulled out a maid costume.

I kicked the back of his knee.

"Gah!" He yelped as he fell.

"You're so damn weird." I said as I grabbed a random costume and threw it at him hitting his head.
"Owww! Oh- hey!! I can wear this!!" Gojo yelled.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now