Chapter 11 : Narrow Minded

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"You're going into overtime now aren't you?"


"Then let's do it."









"Fun!" The blue haired cursed said as he got down from the railing landing across from us,.

Nanami then started to explain his technique as the the curse made a few comments here and there. Quite boring to be honest so I didn't really pay attention.

"Mask sama, please don't lose focus."

"Eh?" I muttered.

"Mask sama? You mean you don't know his name? Haha! He must not trust you all then! How sad! Who knows... ,albeit I'll figure it out before you do?" The curse said while smiling.

"Disgusting." I responded to him.

Nanami then ran into different directions as the curse was watching out for him.

I decided that I should help and went towards one of the pillars holding the above sewers and kicked it down while Nanami punched the wall with his ratio technique as large parts of the wall fell out along with debris, all this happening in slow motion.

The curse just stared in awe with all the action happening and then smiled. "I should dodge this one!" The curse said.

But right before he dodged, Nanami and I were next to him as we cutted both the curses legs off as he landed on the floor.

"You should probably get that healed." I said as I kicked the curses head a bit.

"For now, we're retreating." Nanami said.

"If we all manage to survive, let's meet again." Nanami continued.

'No worries, I will be the one to survive." I thought as I smirked under my mask and turned around towards the exit way.

"Let's go, Nanami." I said as I motioned him to follow.

"Right." He said as he followed behind.

A couple seconds later we heard a crash and some dust of dirt made its way near us. "Disgusting..." I muttered as I fanned the dust away.


"What are we going to the bathroom for?" I asked as we headed in the bathroom.

"Because I need to clean this up." Nanami responded as he pointed at his lower side.

"When did you get that?" I wondered.

"Sigh Can you pass me some paper towels?" He asked as he took off his goggles.(?)

"Here, let me heal it up for you." I said as I walked infront of him and crouched down a bit. "May I?" I asked before placing my hand on him.

"You may." He responded. I placed my hand where he was bleeding as it started to heal quite quickly then how other times it would heal slow. After it healed I letter my hand off of him.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now