Chapter 12: To You Someday

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"No actually... where is that curse..?"









I looked around trying to look for the fimiliar curse and decided to run through the school building.

'There's nothing here on the first floor... I already checked 2nd... where could they be?' I thought in my head as I ran up the stairs.

'Why the hell Is Itadori doing here anyway?!' I thought as I kept skimming through the classrooms to see signs of people.

I then ran down the stairs again and noticed a room that I probably missed. It was a gym.

I tried to open the doors to the gym but it was looked so I took a step back and kicked the door open.

I walked in and noticed a lot of students unconscious on the ground.

"H-hey you! You're not here to kill us are you?! Are you here to help Yoshino kun?! What's going on?!" A man who looked like a pig said as he held a student in his hand. (Look I don't like that teacher or whatever he is, so don't mind me.)

"I'm just as confused as you are. I'm here because my student is here as well. You said Junpei, right? What happened." I asked as I walked towards him as he looked frightened.

"G-ah! Uh, Yoshino came here upset about something and made everyone here unconscious except Shota and I?!" He answered in a confused manner as he pointed to another student who was on a stage on his knees with a worried look as his face.

I see... his face seemed to have been poisoned.

"Oh? It seems as if your student here has been poisoned." I said as I walked towards the student known as Shota.

"Please don't hurt him!" The teacher yelled.

"Huh? Was he not the one who harmed Junpei in the first place? You're defending a brat like him?" I asked as I pushed Shota's head on the ground with my foot.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not saying that what Junpei is doing is right, but with cruel action comes with great consequences. Have you ever heard? That Karma is a bitch." I said.

"I'm not here to kill anyone, well at least not yet." I said as I grabbed the brats face and started to heal him.

"Don't expect this type of treatment from me again, be glad you'll live you filthy brat." I said to the kid.

I then walked to the center of the gym as the two other just stared at me. I clasped my hands together and started to whisper a small chant. Everyone in the room excluding me had their eyes lighting up blue.

"You'll all forget what happened, you will no longer know of Junpei Yoshino. Sleep until it's all over." I whispered as I separated my hands as everyone in the room was now asleep.

I walked out of the room and suddenly heard yelling from afar.
"Huh, where did that come from." I wondered as I see something through the windows on the other side of the school.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now