Chapter 9: Small Fry And Reverse Retribution

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"Excuse me... Excuse me!" A black haired male said trying to get a staffs attention.

"Need some help?" I asked the boy who just nodded.

"Try this next time." I said as I banged on the window. With my fist.

I scared the staff and they looked up from their phone.

"Can I get one adult ticket for Human Earth Worm 3?" The boy asked.

"Oh, sure. It'll start in a few minutes." The staff said as they gulped.

"Thank you, sir" The boy said as he bowed.

"Of course. And here take this, you're going to want some snacks." I said as I gave him a 'few' dollars.

"Oh my. Uh thank you again." He said as he smiled and walked inside the cinema.

'Those staff workers need to start taking their job seriously...' I thought as I was walking to a pharmacy to buy a certain type of something that I need.

I got to the pharmacy and looked around each aisle.

Each aisle that I checked, it wasn't there... this is supposed to be a pharmacy... how could they not have it?

"Excuse me sir, are you having trouble looking for something?" A lady asked.

"Do you have any alcohol here?"

"Oh, isopropyl alcohol? Yes, we do. We keep them in the back since for some reason people are starting to drink it." She said.

"That's disgusting. " I said.

"How many bottles do you need?" She asked.

"Mm, I don't know... maybe five?" I responded.

"Alright, I'll be back with them." She said as she walked away.

"What a waste of time." I muttered as I leaned against a wall.

A few minutes later she came back with a box of alcohol.
"Alright, is that all?" She asked.

"Yes, this is it." I replied.

"Alright, I've already scanned them, it'll be $10.00." She said.

I pulled some money and gave it to her, took the box and left. I could have gone to other stores but the one from that store had a higher quality of alcohol that I liked.

I went into a dark alleyway to teleport back to the underground where my workers are but stopped walking when I noticed something disgusting.

"P-please Just leave me alone." A young beat up girl said to a man who was towering over her.

"I told you this would happen if you told them." The man said as he leaned his face closer to hers.

"Oi, what's going on here?" I stepped in as I placed the box on the ground.

"Huh? Who are you supposed to be? Get out of here before I kill you." The man replied as he pulled out a knife scaring the girl.

"I should be saying that to you." I said as I pulled out my sword.

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now