Chapter 18: Mysteries and Children

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Warning: Spelling Errors, Grammar Mistakes, Unedited
(Not apart of the series.)








"I see, it's a pretty gruesome sight." Principal Yaga said.

Itadori still couldn't believe what happened.

"Why can't I save anyone...?" He said while staring at the body.

"Huh? You think he died because of you? I mean you're not wrong." Levi said.

Itadori suddenly felt a huge weight fall onto him.

"But you're not exactly right either. No one knew this was going to happen." Levi finished.

"I see." Itadori said as the weight on his shoulders disappeared.

"So, what do we do with him?" Gojo asks while pointing at the puddle of blood covering the body.

"Well, Anonymous san is a strong man, right?" Shoko asked as she took a small tube out her pocket and scooped some of the blood off the ground and into the tube.

"I say we examine all that's left of him, it could be of use to us." She said while twirling the tube in her hands.

"I agree with Shoko, if it's possible we might be able to transfer his cursed energy to someone else using what's left of him. Shoko, can you find out if that possible?" Principal Yaga asked.

"I'll try." She replied.

As they conversed Levi and Hange stared at each other with widened eyes.

'We can't let them know anything about him! He doesn't actually have cursed energy.' They thought remembering what he told them years ago the year when he took in Levi.

And Levi remembered that year very clearly, a year he'll never forget, when he was saved.

Flash Back Levi's POV...

"Hey brat, what are you doing there all by yourself?" A man asked me. He looked at me and looked at the area I was in.

I was wearing rags and almost looked very skinny. I was sitting in a alleyway with trash all over.

'Embarrassing...' I thought.

"I'm alone." I responded.

"That so? What's your name, brat?" He asked as he crouched in front of me.

"Levi..." I responded.

"Levi, huh? Oi, Levi. Wanna come with me?" He asked me and stood straight back up.

"Huh? What for..?" I weakly asked.

"To take care of you. You're filthy." He responded.

I slouched in embarrassment.

"Besides, I already have another brat who I'm taking care of, she's crazy. I'll bet she'll be excited to have a friend with her." He continued.

"Please, take care of me." I said as I sort of bowed with my hands and knees on the ground.

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