Chapter 6: After Rain

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"Don't look inside me with out my permission, brat. I hate it."

"Yeah? Well then why don't you come from down there! And I'll look down at you." Itadori said.

"You're being quite hostile aren't you?"

"Damn right I am! You just killed me!" Itadori said.

"This is the thanks I get for fixing your arm?"

"Yeah! And then you killed me right after!!"

"Where am I anyways, hell? I don't think I can be stuck with you even after death. This'll work out though. I'll make you cry!" Itadori said as he threw a skull towards sukuna.

Sukuna obviously dodged and landed on top of the ribcage.

"Hope your ready for this!" Itadori yelled.

He then started running up the ribcage and tried punching Sukuna multiple times, he tried punching again but missed?

'Huh?' He was aiming for where I stood?' Sukuna thought.

"Hah! You fell for it!" Itadori said as he was actually trying to hit where Sukuna was standing but still missed.

"Huh?" Itadori said totally confused.

"Man, you're boring." Sukuna said as he kicked Itadori off the ribcage.

"Ae!" Itadori yelped as he fell off landing on his stomach.

"I thought I landed that perfectly-!!" Itadori yelled as he was about to stand up.

"Oof!" He yelped out once again as Sukuna came down sitting on his back.

"Damn it." He mumbled.

"This isn't the afterlife. This is my innate domain." Sukuna explained.

"Innate domain? Like the one Fushiguro was talking about?" Itadori asked.

"You could aslo say we're in my mind. In other words.... we're not dead yet..... You know that sensei of yours? The masked one, what is he to you?" Sukuna asked.

"Huh? He's my sensei..." Itadori replied.

"I'm sure we both heard the same thing, right? "we have a connection, not just a student-teacher one." Was what he said... sound fimiliar?"

"I didn't really know what he meant..."

"He was willing to risk his life not fighting me with his cursed energy just because of you."

"Huh?! Really?!!"

'Did Anonymous Sensei really mean it though...'

"So, there's something going on between you two, and I hate it. I really wanted to see what he was capable of. He sounded devastated when he knew you would be dead, what a drag.
Ah, right..."


"If you accept my conditions I'll fix your heart and I can bring the both of us back to life."

"The Masked Sorcerer" Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now