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I narrowed my eyes at the three assholes who were sitting in the living room before I hopped off the counter and made my way around the kitchen. My arm was burning like a freaking furnace and I needed it to cool down. Since they weren't going to bandage me up and help me, I mine as well do it myself. Looks like I'm gonna be super independent while I'm in this hell house.

I walked straight towards the freezer while bending my injured arm, opening the door before searching for an ice pack. I grabbed the first one I found before I closed it and walked around the room, searching for a comfortable towel.

I grabbed the nearest one before I wrapped it around the ice pack and made my way towards the kitchen sink. I turned on the faucet, feeling the cold temperature before I prepared myself for the worst. I bit my lip before I placed my red arm under the water, squeezing my eyes shut as I turned my head to the side.

I tried my hardest not to cry or moan in pain, remembering that I could possibly be watched by my enemies. I can't let them see me in pain. I need to be as tough as I can.

After I was done cleaning the wound, I turned off the faucet and grabbed the ice pack, placing it over my arm and hissing in pain. It felt very uncomfortable to have a rough material over my fresh burn, wishing I could just let it air out but I needed it to drop down a few degrees.

I then realized I needed some medical assistance in order for this to heal correctly, so I decided to go find the bathroom and search for some supplies. As soon as I started making my way towards the hallway, I heard Harry's bone chilling voice. "Where are you going Athena?"

I ignored him before I kept walking, knowing I didn't answer to him and I never will. He's not my boss or my master. I don't have a reason to answer him.

"I asked you a f***ing question." Harry growled as he suddenly stormed up to me and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around quickly.

I narrowed my eyebrows at him as he towered over me, trying to intimidate me with his harsh eyes. "I need to find some supplies to heal this wound since your lazy ass won't." I replied with sass.

"Watch your tone with me young lady." He growled as he snatched my chin.

"What are you my father now?" I asked before rolling my eyes.

"What makes you think I believe your lie? You can do anything while you're out of sight. You could escape, or attempt to attack one of us." Harry informed as I sarcastically laughed.

"Oh believe me I'd love to." I chuckled before he slammed me against the nearest wall.

"You're pushing your limits little Rain. Do you want me to give you another burn?" He threatened as his hand gripped my waist.

I kept my mouth shut as my eyes locked with his, knowing how much I didn't want another freaking burn.

"That's what I thought." He spoke as he realized I wasn't going to answer him.

"I still need to heal this damn thing." I said much nicer as he released me.

"Fine. I'll show you some stuff we have. After all, you value your life so much don't you Duchess?" He smirked as I groaned.

"Gosh quit it with the nicknames. They disgust me." I said as he began walking down the hall after he grabbed my elbow.

"Good. Then I won't stop." He responded as I clenched my teeth. Freaking ass wipe.

I sighed as he tugged me down the hall, knowing I couldn't do anything in this house without being manhandled.

"Use this, it'll help you heal your precious skin." Harry spoke dryly as he opened the cabinet attached to the bathroom sink before he threw a white bottle at me.

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