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As soon as I slipped on my white T-Shirt, the bathroom door bursted open, hitting my shoulder in the process before I turned my head to see who was coming in.

"Umm some privacy maybe?" I sassed as I saw Harry peek his head through the door before he entered inside.

My heart started beating from his unexpected appearance but I still somehow remained absolutely calm. Thank God I was in my outfit already and not naked. This dude gives zero crap for personal space.

His harsh eyes met mine before he reached down and grabbed my arm, not saying a single word as he pulled me out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

"What the hell is your problem? I was literally changing as you walked in." I asked madly as I unhappily followed beside him.

"You're fully dressed. You have no excuses." He spoke seriously as he kept his gaze forward.

"Excuses for what?" I questioned with a face.

"We're late. And I'm not letting you hold us back." Harry responded just when I realized he was wearing a complete different outfit.

"What's with the robber clothes?" I chuckled as I saw that he was wearing all black.

"Louis you take her. I can't stand her comments right now." Harry groaned as I was suddenly shoved in Louis' arms.

I scoffed as Louis' hands found their way to my waist before I quickly slapped them back. "Don't freaking touch me." I hissed before Louis grabbed me by the throat.

"I don't take orders from you slut." He growled as he pulled me towards his face.

"I'm not a slut! Get off me you prick!" I raised my voice as I pushed him off me.

"Oh I can make you one alright. I can so easily pop that little cherry of yours." Louis commented with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"None of you will ever touch me like that or I'll viciously rip out your esophagus!" I screamed as I went in defense mode.

"Like any of us would want your diseased body. We don't sleep with the enemy." Harry scoffed as I took offense.

"Yeah we only rape them." Niall commented as I widened my eyes over at him before he laughed.

"None of you will be able to live if you ever try to do that to me." I spoke strongly, but deep down I was absolutely terrified.

I knew they were capable of doing anything to hurt me and I wouldn't put this past them.

"You're not strong enough. You're the weakest Bishop we've ever laid eyes on." Zayn said as he started loading up his assault rifle.

My heart was violently pounding against my chest as I looked at all of them, spinning in slow circles in case one of them was ready to pounce on me.

"You wouldn't even stand a chance doll. We can easily take advantage of you." Liam smirked as my chest tightened.

"Why would you even think of doing that to me? That's not my reason for being here." I asked madly as I tried to stand my ground.

"Poor Athena doesn't understand the power of hormones." Liam said as everyone started chuckling.

"I freaking swear- neither of you better touch me or I'll-"

"You'll what? Attack us with your weak little hands? You don't stand a chance Athena . You're powerless." Harry interrupted as he suddenly towered over me, causing me to step back and gulp.

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