Twenty One

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"Alright Bishop your week is up. I held my end of the deal, now I think it's time you hold yours." Harry said as he approached me in the kitchen and sat himself on the bar stool.

"What is your request your majesty?" I spoke sarcastically as I grabbed 3 grapes from the stem and plopped them into my mouth.

It's nice to get food while I can, cuz lord knows I'm probably not gonna be eating for the rest of the day. These boys like to deprive me of resources.

"The money." Harry spoke seriously as he leaned his weight on his elbows.

"Why so you can buy another useless set of drugs?" I remarked before plopping a few more grapes in.

"Does it matter to you where I spend my money?" Harry hissed as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, making my stomach slam into the counter as I stood across from him.

"Umm yeah. Especially if it's our money that you're wasting." I said obviously as he clenched his jaw.

"It doesn't matter. Not like you'll ever get your hands on it. You owe it to me remember." Harry reminded as I rolled my eyes.

"So what is your goal here exactly? Rob me dry of all my money and then what? What else are you going to want from me? You'll have all the wealth you could possibly dream of and then you'll get bored of it." I asked as he grinned.

"I guess that's the best part. Because after you're useless to me-" he then put his fingers in a gun position and fired at me.

"You're dead." He finished as I swallowed hard.

"How about you sell your drugs and make a profit off of that first." I suggested as I backed away.

"No you owe me more money." Harry informed as he pointed at me.

"Your greediness is highly unattractive." I stated as he grinned.

"And your attitude is the worst thing about you." Harry bit back before he slammed his hands on the counter and stood up.

"Why do you need so much money anyways? Aren't you a gang member? Don't you Kings make bank on your own?" I asked as I watched him walk towards me.

"That's none of your concern." Harry shut me out as he approached the fridge and opened the door.

"Umm apparently it is if you're taking all our hard earned money." I replied.

He then sighed as he scanned the items in the fridge before he grabbed a water bottle.

He then shut the door before he turned around to look at me, towering over my body.

"If you think I'm desperate and greedy- you're wrong." He stated as his eyes burned into mine.

"Then what's the big deal?" I asked as he walked past me.

"We lost a lot of money!" Harry snapped as his back faced me.

I narrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him carefully.

"Doing what? Gambling?" I questioned as he scoffed.

"Is that how you view us? Dumb sh*theads who are careless with their actions?" Harry chuckled sarcastically as he turned to face me.

"Umm did you want me to answer that?" I wondered as he rolled his eyes.

"It's none of your damn business but it went to a good cause. And I would like to earn that money back cuz I know I'm never going to get it the way I lost it." Harry announced as I glanced at him.

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