Thirty Nine

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Ever since Harry stood up for me, the guys have had their panties in a twist. They haven't stopped giving me dirty looks and disapproving eyes. It was like they hated me even more than they did when I first came into their lives.

As much as I appreciated Harry telling the guys off, I'm starting to wish he hadn't. Because the way everyone else was handling it just sets me on edge. Who knows what this day will bring for us now. With their attitudes high on guard I feel like I'm going to have a crappy day.

"We need to stay in a hotel for the day." Harry announced as everyone's eyes rounded.

"What? Harry that puts us behind schedule." Louis was surprised as he spoke.

"With the Darrians on our backs we don't have a choice, we need to stay hidden and low key for the rest of the day until we know the close is clear. We'll catch the next train tomorrow morning." Harry was like a large boulder that couldn't be moved. If he wanted something to go a certain way, he will get it.

"You see what you did Athena? You mess everything up." Zayn growled as he crossed his arms angrily.

"Funny you were telling me to stop being a baby. Tantrums don't make you hot Zayn." I spoke sarcastically before his eyes grew into slits.

"Athena." Harry warned as he placed his hand on my thigh, signaling me to stop.

"I'm gonna punch that cocky little face of yours as soon as Harry takes a little nap." Zayn threatened through gritted teeth as I chuckled.

"Not if I'm cuddling him." I pushed further, causing Harry to slightly chuckle.

No one else heard it but me, and the fact that he thought it was funny made me smile from ear to ear.

"God you make me want to strangle you! How do you put up with her Harry?!" Zayn fumed as Harry shrugged.

"With patience. Lots and lots of patience." Harry responded as he looked out the window, removing his hand from my thigh.

I sighed as we walked into the hotel room, being followed by the rest as they all started to settle in.

"Harry you need to rest." Liam announced as he cautiously looked at his friend.

"I'm fine." Harry waved off as he limped towards the couch.

"Harry I'm not kidding. You lost a lot of blood. Although Athena did a good job stopping it it still seeped through." Liam stated as Harry sighed.

"Liam I've taken many bullets before." Harry denied his friend's advice as he sat down.

I glanced over at Harry, noticing he looked weaker than usual. I could tell he was putting on a tough act, but even I knew he needed to rest. He needs to drop his ego and give his body what it needs- a break.

"Harry you need to rest. I'm being serious." Liam sounded more stern as he took a step forward.

"You know what- I'm actually starving. Why don't you guys go out for some food and bring us back some yeah?" Harry interrupted as I swallowed.

"Oh so we're feeding the trouble maker now?" Zayn hissed as I clenched my jaw.

"Get your panties out of your ass and understand I need food to survive as well." I sassed back at him as his eyes darted over towards me.

"What if I don't want you to survive. You cause enough trouble." Zayn said as I clenched my hands into fists.

"For the love of God- you guys! Stop fighting! I got a goddamn headache and I would appreciate some f***ing food!" Harry yelled as everyone grew silent.

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