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"We're not here to waste my god damn time, so will you hurry the hell up!" Harry growled loudly as he followed me around my house. I looked back at him with a blank expression, not sure if I wanted to cuss him out or slice his throat with a rusty knife. I hated being controlled by him and nothing felt worse than knowing I was going to be a slave to his gang for God knows how long.

I really need to figure out a plan asap so that I can get the hell out of here. I just hope and pray that it could work, because if I fail, I know the consequences will be unbearable.

"Gosh you're more of an ass than I thought." I whispered to myself before I felt my hair get tugged back roughly. I yelped as Harry yanked me towards his chest, grunting once my back collided with it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Wanna repeat yourself there Athena?" He hissed in my ear as I held back from whimpering.

I squeezed my eyes tight once he yanked me even harder, feeling a sharp, burning pain on my scalp. "No." I breathed as I tried to act tough.

"That's what I thought. Now get to it." He ordered before he shoved me forward, causing me to stumble on my feet.

I huffed at his rude actions before I began walking around the house a lot faster, wanting to get this over with already. My heart started beating faster as I slowly began approaching Blake's room, feeling a lump grow in the back of my throat.

It pained everything inside me to open his bedroom door and walk inside his space, wishing it was only him that I was coming to instead of Harry who was trailing behind me. I sighed as I glanced at his belongings, reminiscing on the life we shared together when things were better and in place. If only I could of saved him and my other brothers, then maybe I wouldn't be feeling so alone right now.

"Hurry up." Harry hissed as he slapped me across the head, making me wince from the unexpected assault. What an asshole. If my brothers were still alive they'd be beating him to a pulp no doubt for touching me like this.

I then bent down and peered underneath his bed, slightly crawling under so that I could get into his secret stash. I felt Harry's eyes on me as I shoved a few of his boxes out of the way before I opened up part of the floor that exposed his hiding spot. I reached my arm down before I picked up one of the scrolls, gently placing the piece back and making my way out from the bed frame.

"Here." I said as I stood up and handed Harry the rolled up paper.

He quickly snatched it from my hand as he narrowed his eyebrows together and unrolled it, examining it carefully as I prayed he would be satisfied enough. He then looked over at me before he nodded his head tightly, as if giving me a sign of approval.

I breathed out in relief before he quickly exited out of the room, pleased with his new possession. "Wait, since I'm here, can I please get some clothes? I really don't want to be stuck wearing these for however long you plan on having me." I asked as I followed close behind Harry.

He then paused as he looked over at me, narrowing his green eyes while they examined my body. "If this is some kind of trick, you will regret it." He spoke darkly as his eyes finally met mine. I swallowed at his threat before I tried to look harmless.

"It's my bedroom, what am I gonna have in there? A bazooka?" I joked before I walked past him, not long until he quickly snatched my wrist and pulled me back.

"Just because this is your house doesn't mean you get to walk around freely in it. You're under my rules now. You stay by my side, got it?" He snapped as he hovered over me while tightening his grip around my bones.

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