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My head drove me crazy the minute I woke up, slowly remembering what had happened to me in the first place. I wasn't quite sure where I was at the moment, but all I knew was that I was in pain.

There was a heavy weight in my chest as I blinked my eyes open and attempted to look around, feeling stressed and anxious from what happened.

"Look who's finally awake." Harry suddenly spoke out of the blue, causing my eyes to snap over towards him.

"You need to get your ass up and be useful around here. Go make all of us dinner." Harry immediately barked an order as he stood up and walked towards me.

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I watched him approach me, not fully understanding where he was coming from.

"I'm sorry. You just knocked me out cold and now you want me to make you some food?" I asked bitterly as I placed my fingertips against my sore temple.

"Isn't that what I said?" He replied before he grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me from the couch.

It just now dawned on me that I was in the living room instead of Harry's bedroom.

"Can you let me be?! My head hurts like hell!" I snapped at him as I pulled my arm away but he didn't seem to let go.

"Relax Bishop you got a good four hours of sleep. I think that's quite enough for you. And even though it's none of your concern, we're all f***ing starving here so you're gonna be useful and make us something." Harry hissed as he dragged me towards the kitchen.

"I'm not making you anything." I chuckled sarcastically before Harry immediately slapped me hard across the face.

"Watch your f***ing attitude with me young girl." Harry seethed as he gripped my chin and made me look at him.

"Don't treat me like a child." I whined as I tried to shove him off me.

"Then stop acting like one." He growled as he grabbed me by the hips and slammed me against the stove.

I winced as my stomach crushed against the metal bar before Harry pressed his front against my back, trapping me in between.

Before I could try to push him off, he grabbed a chunk of my hair tightly and yanked me closer towards him, making sure I was kept tightly against him.

"Make us some f***ing food or I'm going to make you bleed all night." Harry threatened in my ear as I gripped onto the bar for dear life.

Tears threatened to form in my eyes but I tried my hardest to change my mindset since I didn't want to show weakness.

"Okay." I whispered, showing defeat as he held me for a few long seconds.

He then shoved me against the stove again, pushing my head down before he exited out of the kitchen and stormed into his room.

I looked down at the counter before I stepped away from it and managed to pull myself together.

Freaking prick.

I dusted the invisible dirt off my clothes before I glanced around the kitchen and debated on what I should make for myself- or rather- for these dickwads.

If it was up to me, I'd rather be at my house, cooking dinner for my four brothers instead of doing it for my worst enemy. I'd do anything to have my regular life back. God knows it was way better than this. Anything is way better than this.

Just when I was about to make my way to the living room, Harry stormed right up to me, grabbing my hair in the process before yanking me towards his face.

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