Thirty Two

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My body was back to its normal temperature again after I finished cleaning myself in the shower with the hotel supplies. I was grateful at the fact that I was no longer cold, and that we at least had hot water running in this old building.

I couldn't imagine what it would feel like if I had to take a cold shower. At that point it wouldn't even be worth it.

As soon as I opened the door I prepared myself to ask Harry where his clothes were, but the second I opened my mouth- he stormed right in the bathroom.

"Finally. You took forever." He sighed as he pushed me out, grazing his cold hand over my bare shoulder.

I opened my mouth again to say something but he slammed the door immediately in my face, wasting no time to hop in the shower.

"Okay." I frowned as I turned around and walked towards the bed, holding onto my towel for dear life.

"You sure make life more difficult for us don't you Bishop." Zayn said as he walked in with a warm cup in his hand.

My eyes glared at the steam that was coming out of his drink, making me wonder if it was hot chocolate or not.

"It's hard not to when you're my enemy." I spoke dryly as I glanced away, not wanting to provoke him.

"I don't know why you keep making Harry's day worse as time goes by. He needs a break from all your bullsh*t." He commented as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Then he shouldn't have picked me up. He should of left me there in my territory. He brought this on himself." I snapped as we made eye contact.

"You know why he needs you." Zayn responded before he took a sip of his drink.

"You just love to come get me at the most inconvenient time." I sarcastically spoke in a cheery voice.

"Well you shouldn't have opened your mouth about all these promises. Maybe you would of been decaying in the house with your brothers instead." Zayn defended as my blood boiled.

"You got yourself in this mess, so stop trying to blame it on us." He spat as I swallowed tightly, realizing he was right.

"What are you drinking?" I changed the subject, feeling my stomach growl intensely right as I said it.

"Hot chocolate. Why?" Zayn responded before Harry walked out of the bathroom.

"I..... haven't eaten all day." I commented slowly as I looked down and picked at my nails.

"Well I'm not giving you anything. You deserve nothing after that stunt you pulled off." Zayn spat as I swallowed, not watching as he stormed off into the other room.

I sighed before I glanced over at Harry, feeling nervous as I realized he was already looking at me.

"Here." He spoke immediately as he handed me a pair of clothes.

"Oh." Was all I could say as I took it.

I then stood up before I made my way into the bathroom, closing the door and quickly changing into his boxers and oversized sweater.

I'll admit it was very weird wearing my enemies' clothes. It felt like a sin, a punishment, anything but comforting. But it was all that I had. So I had to work with it.

I guess it was better than being naked.

A sigh escaped my lips as I walked out of the bathroom, hating the fact that I smelt like Harry.

It wasn't the fact that he smelt bad, it was the fact that it was just his. I wanted nothing to do with him, yet here I was, wearing his sweater that kept me warm.

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